5. First Day

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"You guys are so cute aw," Tyler gushed, staring at his friend and her boyfriend of four years.

"You're too sweet Ty," Sarah smiled.

"Really," Mason added. "I actually hate her. Bold of you to assume we get along."

The other three laughed at that. "You guys are ridiculous," Jenna giggled.

"Agreed," Tyler took a sip of the beer bottle in his hand. Him and his friends were sitting on Jenna's back porch, talking and spending time together for the first time since Tyler moved back.

"I still can't believe you drink now," Sarah pointed out.

"It's not the worst," Tyler shrugged. "I dunno. You remember all the times I called you guys drunk off my ass in college," he laughed.

"Oh my God," Jenna laughed as well. "That one time you called junior year and you were crying because you dropped your bag of gummy bear edibles on the parking lot of your friend Ryan's apartment. That was hilarious."

"Shut up I was devastated at the time, okay? I gave him good money for those and they just went to shit."

"Or that one time you called and asked if you could make a grilled cheese with string cheese and an iron," Sarah snickered.

"This is bullying I swear," Tyler groaned, setting his drink down.

"They bully me too. Join the club," Mason chucked.

"You two have your fair share of drunk stories too!" Tyler pointed at them. "Sarah texted me once freshman year of college asking if I could critique her nudes."

"What makes you think I was drunk?" She raised an eyebrow.


"I'm just kidding baby," Sarah smiled and shared a kiss with Mason.

"Get a room," Jenna teased.

"Technically I had a room. It's Tyler's now. I hope he knows Mason and I fucked—"

"I don't wanna know," Tyler interrupted, making them laugh again. "It's my own bed. I'm safe. Do not ruin my safe space."

"Oh look at Dr. Joseph busting out the therapist terms," Sarah laughed.

"It's not even a therapist term you dipshit," he flicked her forehead lightly.

"Mason he just flicked me aren't you supposed to beat him up or something?" Sarah looked at him.

Mason looked deep in thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No. I think it's a hate crime if I touch him."

"Would you ever consider leaving Sarah for me?" Tyler joked.

"Who? I only know you and I, baby," Mason replied.

"I can't believe my boyfriend cheated on me again," Sarah sighed dramatically.

"Oh my God Sarah!" Jenna held back a laugh.

"It happen to me I'm allowed to joke about it," the mentioned laughed.

"I'm changing the subject," Jenna announced. "Ty are excited to start your first day of work as Columbus's best therapist tomorrow?"

"There's no way I'm going to be the best," he chuckled. "But yes I'm excited," he smiled. "It's gonna be different going from an intern to an actual therapist. I did a few months of it back in New Jersey but it wasn't ever anything too big. It's nice to be done with school and moving on though."

"I'm proud of you," Jenna smiled.

"Me too," Sarah added.

"Me three," Mason laughed out.

"Mason I've known you for four years."

"What? I can't be proud of my boyfriend?"

"Does this call for celebratory gay sex in your girlfriend's old bedroom?" Tyler raised an eyebrow.

"I think it does."



In that exact moment, Tyler considered throwing away eight years of school and an endless amount of stress and frustration just so he could sleep in an extra hour.

Unfortunately for him, he couldn't do that and he forced himself out of bed and trudged into the bathroom down the hall from his bedroom.

Upon entering he grabbed a towel from the closet and turned the shower on. While he waited for it heat up, he looked at himself in the mirror. His long hair was sticking up all over the place and he knew he'd have to wash it and blow dry it to make sure it looked presentable. Groaning he, ran a hand through the brown locks before getting undressed and testing the shower water, getting in.

Fifteen minutes later he was in his room and completely dried off except for his hair and standing in his boxers, trying to pick what to wear for work. His dirty clothes sat in his hamper and his eyes scanned the various clothing items put away in his closet. He finally settled on a dark blue button up and black dress pants, a black belt to keep them snug around his waist. Quickly, he got dressed and slipped his socks and shoes on, adding a watch to his wrist before going back in to the bathroom. He went about brushing his teeth and blow drying his hair with the hair dryer he had to buy a couple months ago.

He looked in the mirror, deciding he looked good and cracking a smile. "Lookin' good, Joseph. You still whoop ass at checkers don't forget that," he winked at himself. "My pep talks have improved. Cute."

Tyler walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to see Jenna standing at the counter, right in front of the Keurig machine. "Morning Ty," she said, looking down at the machine as she popped in a cup. There was a travel mug sitting on the counter and she picked it up and turned to Tyler. Her eyes finally met him and a smile overtook her face. "You look so handsome aw..." she cooed.

Tyler grinned. "Thank you."

"I made you some coffee," she held the mug out to him and he gratefully accepted it.

"I don't deserve you," he sang, walking over to the table and sitting down.

"Yes you do," she sang back, going back to watching her own coffee brew. Tyler's was black whereas hers was creamy and he assumed it was some type of cappuccino. She finished getting hers before turning the machine off and coming to sit by Tyler. "I was going to make cinnamon rolls but then I realized I didn't want to share them with you so I'm gonna wait until you leave."

"What the hell, Jenna? That's illegal. You can't just make your bomb ass homemade cinnamon rolls and not share them."

"Oops," she simply shrugged, letting a giggle escape her lips. Her eyes caught the jewelry on his wrist. "I didn't know you wore watches."

"I usually don't," he took a sip of his warm coffee. "I bought it for Noah for our seven year anniversary but found out what he did so as a 'fuck you' to him I try to wear it as often as I can."

"I'm so glad you're my best friend," Jenna laughed.

"I'm glad you're mine," Tyler smiled. His eyes caught the time on his watch and his smile turned to a frown. "I gotta get going for work. I'll see you tonight though. Are we still making dinner together?" He asked, standing up and leaving his coffee on the table momentarily to go into his room down the hall and grab his bag.

"Yeah," Jenna called from the kitchen. When he re-entered, the bag hanging on his shoulder, he picked up the mug. "I'll see you then. Text me on your lunch. Have a good first day."

"I love you, Jen," he kissed her cheek platonically, heading towards the front door.

"I love you too, Ty!"

Tyler sent her one last smile before opening the door and exiting the house, ready to start his first day of work.

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