18. Wasted

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Tyler was sitting on his couch, under a blanket, eating a bowl of popcorn. He had decided he didn't want to play adult today and get dinner so he was just going to eat popcorn for dinner and call it a night.

His eyes caught the clock Jenna had on the wall.


The brunette let out a sigh. Josh wasn't going to come. Tyler was stupid to think he would.

He continued watching his show and felt something nuzzle into his side. Looking down, he smiled when he saw Biscuit was next to him. She looked up at Tyler with wide green eyes. "Meow," she let out, making Tyler's heart swell.

He laughed and set his bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in favor of petting her head. "Hey, Biscuit," he smiled. She purred softly, nudging her head into Tyler's hand more.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, making Tyler jump. It must've scared Biscuit too because she pulled away and hopped off the couch, running and hiding under it.

Tyler wanted to do the same thing.

He paused the show on the TV and walked over to the door, opening it.

Tyler thought he was going to melt.

Standing in front of him was Josh but it wasn't that it was Josh, it was what he was wearing. The blonde was clad in a black shirt and black skinny jeans, a camouflage jacket over his arms and a black hat backwards on his head. He looked good. "Hey," he gave Tyler a toothy smile. "I was feeling relatively unstable but I had to let Jim out before I could come tell you I was unstable hence why I am late to telling you that I am unstable."

"You're fine," Tyler let out a laugh and then he realized what he was wearing. He looked like a bum compared to Josh. He had on his favorite yellow sweatshirt and pair of grey sweatpants, black socks adoring his feet since it was relatively chilly in his house. Tyler didn't even think to change his clothes. He wanted to crawl under the couch with Biscuit and stay there forever.

"You look nice," Josh told him. "Warm."

"Thanks," Tyler felt his cheeks heat up. "You look nice too," he stepped aside to let Josh in. "Do you want anything to drink? We have beer."

"Sure I'll take one," Josh nodded.

"Cool, you can sit on the couch. Excuse the blanket," he laughed and began walking off before turning back around to look at Josh. "Don't be alarmed if a cat jumps up next to you. Her name's Biscuit. She's harmless."

"Jenna's cat?" He asked, moving the blanket to the side and sitting down.

"Yeah," Tyler replied, continuing into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out two beers and grabbed the bottle opener from the top drawer by the fridge, re-entering the living room and sitting down on the end of the couch Josh wasn't sitting. "Here," he handed him one of the bottles and the opener.

"You drink now?" Josh asked, raising an eyebrow and he took the cap off his drink.

"Dude I got wasted in college every weekend," he opened his own drink as soon as Josh passed back the opener.

"No way," Josh laughed.

"Mhm yes way," Tyler smiled. "I was a part of a frat too."

"You're kidding!" Josh looked at him.

"Nope. Rushed my sophomore year."

"Who are you?"

"Tyler Joseph 2.0," he grinned taking a drink from his bottle. "I was also the keg stand master of my house."

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