06 | SIX

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"Good evening Doctor," The elderly greeted Jimin as he walked past their wards.

"Good evening too Ahjusshi," he bowed and walked away politely.

"Yo! How's work? Okay?" An arm was wrapped around his neck and it was non other than Taehyung.

"Yup! Everything was okay, you?"

Taehyung smiled and nodded. He then turn to the nurse on the counter, "Can you pass me that?" he points at a file and thanked her after she gave him the yellow folder.

"Bye bro, see you later. Gotta run some errand," He pats Jimin's back and walked away from him.

Same as Taehyung, he also walked away from the counter but opposite way from Taehyung. He was enjoying his working environment while he was strolling, bowing to his seniors and also the elderly that walked past him. He then turn left to a very familiar ward and slides the door open.

As soon as he stepped in, he was met with his favourite patient's smiley and happy face- Hyerin.

"Oppa!" she exclaimed while running to his embrace.

"Miss me?" Jimin asked while smiling and ruffling the little girl's short hair. She just nodded and had the the same emotion plastered on her cute face. "How are you doing?" Jimin asked, shoving both his hands into his white coat's pocket.

"I'm feeling fine and more energetic. I think i'm getting better," she spoke. "How about you, oppa?"

"I'm fine too. Just a little bit tired lately," He replied while describing the word little with his thumb and index finger.

"Really? Oppa come here," she gestures him to come closer and he obliged. She planted a kiss on his forehead. "Feeling better oppa?"

"Woahhh! I'm suddenly feeling energetic!" Jimin exclaimed making the little laughed. But then, his phone rang.

"Hyerin- ah. I need to answer this call, i'll see you again, okay?"

"Okay, oppa," she nodded as Jimin tucked her back on her hospital bed, giving her the teddy bear that was buried under the blanket.

"Take care," he said then step out of the room.

After answering the call, Jimin suddenly felt pain at the back of his head. He winced at the sudden ache and brought his hands up to his head.

"Doctor Park!" He heard the nurse called him.

"Nah, maybe just due to lack of rest," he thought out loud and walk over to the place where he was called earlier.

And just like that, he ignored the headache for the rest of the day until it eventually subsided by itself.



I should say that the real story starts from this chapter. Don't worry, nothing will happen, it's just the beginning. I guess..

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