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The circular shaped clock hung on the light green wall as the hands continuously move along the circumference. Half past eleven, it showed.

Three hours before the operation take place to extract the tumor Jimin had in his brain. As the clock's hand move, Jimin's mind become more messy with his negative thoughts as his heart beats twice faster when he imagined the failure of the surgery.

He pulled his legs closer to his chest and rested his chin on top of it. But only to straighten it back again after a few seconds as he heaved out a long, deep sigh. Taking a short glance at the clock again, he noticed that thirty minutes had already passed eventhough it felt short to him. The nervousness continued to grow in him, he wanted to pull out the battery from the ticking clock to stop it from ticking. To stop time from moving.

Meanwhile Taehyung, who is sitting on a one-seated couch not far from the bed just stared at the other male's behaviour; hugging both his legs, then straighten it again, laid on his side on the bed, sat back up and repeat. He knew Jimin was nervous. Absolutely. He was too, but he never showed because he's afraid that it will just worsen the situation. He sticked his gaze on Jimin as the other had a staring contest with the floor.

"Taehyung-ah." Jimin called in a monotone voice. He sounded weak, as if his soul already left his body.

"Yes? What can i help you with?" responded Taehyung, watching Jimin swinging his legs back and forth on his bed. The silence came back again wrapping the atmosphere in the ward room. The television wasn't switched on either, so the source of sound is only the low whirring of the air conditioner and birds chirping from outside the window.

"Can you help me?" Jimin voiced out, ripping the moment of their silence. He lifted up his head to look at Taehyung. Without hesitating, the other male nodded twice. Upon his response, Jimin said,

"Shave off my hair."

"Okay, patient Park Jimin, we're going to put you under the influence of anaesthetics now." said the surgeon's assistant as he placed the oxygen mask on Jimin's nose and mouth.

'This is it. I'll make it. I'll survive," Jimin thought in his mind while staring into the bright yellowy light hovering him.

"Start counting from ten," instructed the assistant again.

"Ten," he started counting.

'I'll make it.'


'I'll survive,'


'For my family,"


'For Taehyung,"


'For myself,'

Jimin closed his eyes after the count of six when he felt the sleepiness taking over his system. The surgeon's assistant look at his face and check his steady breathing. "Doctor Kang, the patient is already under the anaesthetics influence,"

Upon the information, the female doctor approached the bed and sat in the circular stool after wearing her gown and gloves. "Alright, let's do this. Park Jimin."

"Scalpel," she held her palms out and the nurse gave her the equipment.


"Suction," the blood mixed with water is sucked into the long tube as Doctor Kang searched for the tumor patiently.

Fifteen minutes has passed and they still haven't found the tumor yet. While she looked through the telescope, the sight of a white cells that are accumulating or specifically the tumor, came to greet their sight. "There it is, we found it," her assistant beamed.

"Scalpel," she said and was handed the knife. After she cut the tumor, she put it back on the tray. "Elevator,"

The tumor Jimin had in his brain was large, it had already spread to the middle of his brain where it is a bit difficult to get access to the tumor and extract it. But as the skillful neurosurgeon Doctor Kang is, she can find the tumor.

As she was trying to cut the tumor, blood suddenly pool the area she's cutting and covered her view. "Doctor, he's bleeding!" warned the assistant.

She kept herself calm, "suction," But the blood can't seem to stop itself from flowing more eventhough it is sucked into the long tube at the highest level.

"Doctor! His blood pressure dropped!"


oOF i'm so sorry! I can't write this chapter well because i don't how they work in the operation room. I hope you don't find this chapter horrible.

The next chapter is the last part by the way :)

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