09 | NINE

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tashaooo, here you go gurl~

"Can't we save him?" Jimin asked desperately, clearly not wanting to lost his patients again. Having to witness patients losing their lives was not the thing he enjoyed to see, neither the others. No one would enjoy looking at people dying, unless they're having uncountable amount of hatred towards the person, or the types of person who is just simply psychotic.

"We can't, unfortunately. The only thing he fully depended on is this breathing machine to keep him alive but still, he can't last long. His conditions was already way too worse, and plusly, he's not making any progress in his health," Doctor Yoo stated and a long sigh dripping with frustrations emitted from Jimin's lips.


After what she had told him earlier, Jimin quickly made his way out from the ward as he need to check and also write some records regarding his patients' health progress. Moreover, he can't bear to watch Doctor Yoo pulling off the breathing machine from the patient.

He just can't witness patients losing their lives along with their guardians wailing and crying from their loss. Just not again.

As he was exiting his patient's room, his head started to ache again, pounding from inside his skull. This time, the pain was diferent than the previous ones and becomes quite unbearable for him to endure. It felt more sharp than before and it was as if his brain was exploding inside his head if he were to describe it. He put his right palm at the back of his head and clenched his jaws tightly, trying to contain his urges to let out a groan and also to pull his hairs due the strong piercing sensation he felt inside his head. He silently hoped that it will subside quickly.

But, it didn't.

With the pounding headache, Jimin continued to walk down the brightly lit hallway, hand still sticked to his head as he endured the pain but still managed to return the greets along with a polite bow that he received from patients or visitors that walks passed him.

He clenched his teeth tighter at the moment the pain in his head pounded twice stronger than earlier and beads of sweat started to form on his forehead. Taehyung, who was talking to one of the nurses noticed Jimin who was walking down the hallway not far from where he's currently standing. Though he saw Jimin taking his steps so slowly with his hand on his head, he was completely oblivious that the other was in pain. After the discussion with the nurse, he decided to trail after Jimin, with plans to eat together with him.

But as he was chasing him, the sight that unfolds infront of his eyes made him gasp loudly before immediately running towards the direction of the other male across him.

Quickly getting on his knees, he put the male's head on his lap as he gently slap his chubby cheeks.

"Yah, Jimin- ah! Jimin-ah! What happened to you? Why're you like this? Yah! Get back to your senses, Jimin-ah!"

Jimin had fell unconscious on the ground due to the unbearable pain.


Yeah hey, we're already on chapter nine ^^ Big thank yous for the readers who had read this far and also to the one who added this book to their reading lists!


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