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"I think i should go now," Taehyung stood up from his seat after taking a glance at his silver rolex watch. He is scheduled to perform a surgery on one of his patients today.

Jimin bobbed his head once, and watched the brown-haired male exiting his office. He leaned back into his leather chair, relaxing himself while letting both of his eyes bore into the ceiling as things surrounded his mind.

6 days.

That's the time he had left before his surgery for the tumor removal. It is also equivalent to one hundered and forty-four hours, or eight thousand six hundred and forty minutes. Or he was to be more dramatic and accurate, 6 days is equal to 518,400 seconds.

The numbers of the seconds will keep on decreasing its digits as the hands ticked on the clock, making the nerve-wrecking day become closer as it converts itself to minutes, then hours, then days.

Feeling nervous mixed with frustrations, he allowed a long deep sigh to leave his mouth as he folded both of his arms at the table's surface before resting his head on it. He stared at the calendar placed infront of him, at the edge of the table. A date was circled using a red ink along with a label 'surgery day' in the square box.

A bolt of epiphany strikes him again as the hands of the clock kept on ticking non-stop, decreasing his time more and bringing him closer to his day of surgery; which made him more anxious at the thought of the surgery being not successful as what he made himself believed before.

The thought of him laying down on the hospital bed wheeled to the operation room had already made him feel terrified, let alone the imagination of him going under the shiny silver scalpels beneath the bright light bulbs illuminating the dim room.

He shut his eyes closed, and slowly dozed off with a messy mind.

White. That's the only thing he could see in his surroundings, aside from the fresh and healthy looking trees with their leaves happily dancing along the soft wind that blew slowly. The bricks on the path, where he currently stands on; were also painted white.

He looked down his own body and immediately noticed that his thin figure is hugged by a loose, white long sleeved shirt completed with a pant of the same colour.

"Where am i?" He questioned to literally no one as he started to make his steps slowly along the flawless white path. He had to admit to himself, he was actually a bit surprised that he's not even feeling scared when clearly being alone is what he feared the most in life.

It feels like as if someone was silently following him behind, lightly pushing his body to walk forward all the way and support him until he reaches the end of the unknown place.

He continued walking, slowly, step by step, following where the path is bringing him to. As he strolled, a bright white light at the far end of the way blinded his visions, making him to quickly squint shut both his eyes before opening them back again, adjusting them to the full brightness. A shadow of a person can be seen, the same white clothes as his hanging off his body.

Jimin tried to focus at the person's face, squinting his eyes again while his brain is processing the other's identity. When the light shone to their face, he instantly recognized the male standing across him with his right hand held out, as if he was offering to bring Jimin somewhere.

"Jimin-hyung. Grab my hand and let's go together," he said with a sweet and genuine smile on his face.


Dun dun dun~ Who is the male ?

No proofread, so forgive if there's mistakes. :) And, i've published a new book! Bad idea, yeah i know. But i hope you enjoy the first chapter. :)

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