On the Road Again

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Codsworth floated after me, perhaps being able to sense my determination. Maybe just lonely. In the week I had spent hiding out and learning more about the world I hadn't interacted with Codsworth too much. Guilt stabbed at me.

Maybe I can send someone here to be with him. I mused, gathering the few supplies I had in my bag, taking mental note of what I had to eat, how long it would last.


"Yes, ma'am?"

"You..." I hesitated. Could I really bring a robot out into... that with me? I shook my head slowly. "I'll be back. With more people. I promise. You won't be alone forever. But I have to find Shaun."

"Of course ma'am. Thank you, ma'am." He started drifting away; his whirr a little lower, slower.

Was he sad, or was I humanizing him? Was he already humanized?

"Oh, and Codsworth?"

"Yes, ma'am?" He floated still for a moment more.

"Thank you." I felt myself choking up again. "Thank you for staying here. For being here. I- I needed you. You're... you're a good sentient robot."

He hovered for a moment, his servos rumbled so quickly the buzz covered the distance between us. Finally he moved on, not another word out of him, though one of his optical sensors stayed focused on me for longer than normal.

I gathered my back pack onto my shoulders when he was finally out of view. Maybe I was savoring my last real tie to the life I had once had, maybe I had been far lonelier than I cared to admit and that's why I had stayed so long. I shook my head slowly. Dwelling on these realities wouldn't help. With a check list in mind I set out of the house I had been bunking in and onto the road for real. First thing was first, get a lay of the land. Change of clothes. Better weapons. Understand how to survive, how to escape these ghosts in my head. Save Shaun.

I trod down the familiar paved road, onto the bridge. Finally coming face to face with the dark mass that had been taunting me. An irradiated dog was pinned to the road by a metal rod, the man to the side of the animal succumbed to wounds inflicted during the battle. I observed him curiously before crouching down to inspect his belongings. I tsked, coming up with some radiated corn and cram. Nothing impressive, that was for sure.

I looked over his clothes with keen interest. Nothing looked torn or bloody. The thick leather was essentially intact, a flannel shirt underneath and heavy boots. I chewed my lip, worrying for a moment. The man was slim, small. Maybe too small. Grunting I began pulling the clothes off him, cringing when I got down to his pants.

This is so wrong. I grunted, heaving the clothes off his stiffening body. Well, at least he's wearing underwear.

I quickly changed clothes, surprised when the flannel fit me almost perfect, a little short on the arms, and my midriff was somewhat exposed, but I was covered, far better protected now than I had been when I left Sanctuary Hills. I looked down at the body, guilt nagging me.

"For fucks sake." I sighed, leaning down and rolling his body off the road, down the hill and into the water.

Maybe not the best for whatever fish may have been down there, but the only funeral I could have provided at the moment. After struggling back up the hillside I turned, looking back over the bridge. Panting I let myself rest for a minute. I was finally ready, really ready, to say goodbye to my home. To Nate, to Codsworth, the neighbors that I had murdered and buried with as much grace and skill as the random dead man I had just stripped, to the weak woman I had been... that I still partially was. But that would change, it had to. I felt my resolve strengthen.

"How many crimes did I just commit?" I ticked off my fingers, "One, two..." I shook my head, lowering my hand.

The law was different now. All those times, playing politics in a courtroom wishing someone could just shoot the guy and be done with it... and now that's the only law there was. The Wild West had come to the East; string them up from the nearest tree and watch them swing.

I gazed, unblinking, at my old home. In the early afternoon sun it looked poetic and I wanted to burn the image in my mind. Finally, when my eyes started watering, I turned and continued down the road, home at my back and Shaun in my future.

"Well hello!" I crooned at the puppy.

A beautiful German shepherd, abandoned at the Red Rocket down the road from Sanctuary bounded up to me, yipping and licking with unadulterated joy. Its cute little whine of excitement elicited a smile from me. I crouched down, attempting to pet its head.

"Where's your owner, cutie pie?" I whispered, itching its ears as its tail wag evolved into a whole back wiggle. "Oh my goodness aren't you just the sweetest little thing?"

It whined some more, peeing a little in its joy. I laughed as I was knocked over.

"Okay, okay." I looked around, cautiously making my way back onto my feet. "Where's your owner?" I repeated.

The pup whined, nudging my hand with its nose as I rested it on the handle of my gun. Slowly I made my way into the old gas station. It smelled musty; unused. I reserved judgment until I inspected the whole area. Once satisfied that it was truly empty I made my way back to the terminal. Perhaps the previous owners would have left a note, or some clues as to how to find them. The puppy danced beside me a little, eventually resting his head on my lap and giving a soft whine, more air than noise.

"Alright dog," I stood, groaning a little. "You wanna come with me?"

He yipped and danced in a tight circle.

"Perfect!" I leaned down, tying the red bandanna I'd been carrying around his neck. "Now you're the fiercest little warrior."

He sat, tilting his head. My heart squeezed a little. Nate and I had talked about getting a dog. We'd had one while we were dating, a sweet little thing from the pound. It had escaped while I was pregnant and gotten hit by a car. I wept for days, even though I had hate-loved the little demon. We had though getting a puppy would have been good for Shaun; growing up with his best friend. I smiled sadly and the pup licked my fingers. Dog couldn't have been more than three or four years old, not much of a puppy anymore.

"Bloods for life." I joked in a quiet voice, heading back out the doors.

Concord was just down the road I knew, but I wasn't sure I was ready to head straight there. I knew there were people who could help me, but there was still so much I had to explore and learn. Example; hubflower was NOT a good herb to use in food. I hesitated at the cross roads, both figurative and literal. Should I continue on this path, or should I try to understand the world around me a bit more first? I eyed the dead cow thing on the road, clicking through my PipBoy.

Brahmin. Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. It's got two goddamned heads.

"What do we do boy?" I whispered.

He leaned into my hand as I stroked his head. A shot rang out, pocking the ground beside the dead cow. Anxiously I gripped my gun, shouts from in the shadows drifted towards me. Someone was attacking someone else. Dog yipped, then took off into the forest.

I smiled, That answers that!

And She Continued Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now