Boom Boom

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I stood beside Kent, feeling damned awful as Hancock lectured me. Us, he was really lecturing us, but I knew it was more my responsibility than Kent's. He was a scared shut in. Maybe getting out and seeing this side of the world was what he needed to get out of his tomb of pre-war memories, but him getting hurt, nearly killed...

Guiltily I handed him the costume and the gun.

"Kent, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you'd get kidnapped, I didn't know-"

"It's fine." He smiled weakly, "I just don't think I'm up for that kind of adventure." He looked at the items in his arms, then shrugged them back to me, "I'm not going to need these..." Kent looked so forlorn, my heart twisted.

"Don't let it get ya down, kid." Hancock rasped, crossing his arms.

"You can't let this stop you from believing in good." I seconded, knowing that Hancock was glaring at me for opening my mouth. "You can't stop being the good. You know what I mean?"

You've done enough. Hancock's heavy gaze said.

I ignored him.

"I'm going to keep playing the episodes, but maybe nothing big until I'm more recovered." Kent rubbed his arm nervously, though he seemed a bit more confident. "But when you're in town listen to the Silver Shroud, you never know when I might pick up the torch again."

I nodded, guilt chewing away at my stomach. I watched Kent leave the room. There was silence for a minute as Hancock and I obviously struggled to find a steady ground to communicate on. I took in his personal rooms. Used drugs everywhere; I was surprised to see Psycho and Buffout in the mix of Jet canisters and mentat cases. My opinion of Hancock lowered slightly. The room was hazy from lack of ventilation; I was probably getting second-hand high without realizing it. His office smelled of the sweet after-scent of the compressed air in the jet inhalers and the fine power left behind in the mentant tins. Hancock pushed off from the counter he'd been leaning against. I watched him cross the room in my peripheral vision, occupying myself with wiping a layer of dust off my fingers after trailing them over an old bookcase.

Intrigued I noticed that some of the books were very well used and their corresponding shelves were immaculate; books about government, psychology, genetics, radiation, nuclear power and its effects and dangers... Hancock's voice shocked me out of my snooping.

"You took down a big guy like Sinjin and kept Kent alive?" The voice travelled with him as he went to the broken in couch.

"I should have done more." I felt like garbage, straightening and moving closer to the shuttered window. "A good man got hurt and it's my fault."

Hancock snorted, "Yeah. Right. Like that doesn't happen all the time out here in the Commonwealth. You give yourself too much credit there, Sister."

I felt myself bristle, "I'm not taking credit for anything. I egged him on. I let this happen. If I hadn't encourage-"

"If you hadn't encouraged him," Hancock took a deep breath as he depressed the Jet inhaler, smoke poured out his mouth and ruined nose as he continued talking, "he would have stayed stuck in that damned room withering away until they found him feral and eating someone. Sit down, would ya! I'm not gunna bite." He winked, "Unless you're into that."

I rolled my eyes, making my way around the couch opposite Hancock, "I've heard about you and your... reputation."

Why would I bring that up? Why am I talking about this? It doesn't matter. It was a half-tempting thought though. I shook myself inwardly. What is wrong with me?! I'm acting like a rutting teenager!

And She Continued Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now