The Thunder Rolls

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I spun on the barstool slow and easy, a glass of water in my hand. Magnolia and her stage rotated on by, Charlie giving me some serious side-eye, the bar, the patrons and the back room, the entrance, Magnolia's stage and back to Charlie and the bar. I took a drink, my mind blank as the music drifted over me.

I must have looked a sight; blood still caked my armor and the clothes underneath. Bits of people were stuck to my shoes, hair and matter wedged hopelessly into the creases and grooves. I looked at the calling card that I had been using as a coaster, repressing a shiver as I thought back to the blade that had dismembered hundreds of Raiders being pressed against my throat.

My hand touched the slim cut across my throat that had now scabbed over, old blood flaking onto my shirt. I took another sip to keep the bile down. Body parts had been strewn about, meticulously displayed. Corpses propped up and decorated. The stench had been atrocious.

It wasn't the thought of Raiders being treated like they deserved, but rather that I was almost a canvas on the wall alongside them. His voice had been so cold and calculated, his eyes were piercing and fanatical. I squeezed my eyes shut, I could still feel him touching me. His body pinning me below him, his knees digging into my thighs as one hand pinned my arms at an unnatural angle beneath my shoulder blades. His knife had danced along the exposed skin. His knuckles dragged gently across my cheek, through my hair...

I gasped, opening my eyes and spinning on the chair again to calm myself; to stop thinking.

Hundreds of small cuts. Magnolia's stage. Stripes of blood falling down my skin. Charlie. The sound of ripping cloth. Bar. His shouts of anger. Back room. My fear. Entrance. Magnolia's stage. Charlie. Bar. Room. Entrance. Stage. Charlie. Bar. Hancock-

I stopped spinning and frowned out into the room. The burn of shame followed immediately after. I hooked my toe into the bar rung and spun myself away from him.

"Another water, Charlie." I knew I sounded strained.

The smell of Hancock; a unique blend of after-chems, books, and something musky, preceded the man. His barstool groaned and protested under the weight. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, annoyed to see he was taller than me, wondering why I hadn't really noticed till then. My sight travelled lower, meeting his open gaze. My breath caught.

Dammit, dammit! I took another drink, sighed, and turned.

"What do you want?" The words ground out of my mouth.

He smiled, tapping the bar counter. Charlie hummed right over, pouring some amber liquid into a glass without a word and humming away, leaving the bottle behind. I eyed it warily, turning my attention back to the Mayor. The music stopped. I felt immediately naked and uncomfortable.

"I heard you did my job." His voice was gravelly and low.

I was too raw to talk to him right now. I merely nodded, blinking. Sipping. Breathing.

"You look like hell, sunshine." His voice took on an odd tone. "Are you okay?"

For a moment I was torn between being honest and just keeping it to myself.

What would he think? I chastised, A man pressed himself against me. Big whoop. I was almost killed, that happens every day now. I shrugged, taking another sip. I can still feel him on me. I can still feel his hands roaming over me, deciding where best to cut me. I can feel his knife slicing me over and over and over and...

"I did your job." I managed without choking.

I set my glass down harder than I had meant, pushing myself off the stool with the slap of some caps. I heard Hancock call out after me as I all but ran up the stairs. I didn't stop. Ham smiled as I passed him, I think I smiled back but everything started spinning again. I paused for a moment, until I heard the familiar sound of boots stomping after me.

And She Continued Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now