Feed My Frankenstein

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The world felt a little dusty as I woke up slow. I was warm, the world was quiet in the way it only could be after a heavy winter night, the fire had gone out but the embers still burned warm. I rubbed my foot along the rock I'd used to warm the blankets.

The rock rubbed back.

I was wide awake then. A small, low, husky chuckle at the top of my head brought awareness crashing down.


His arms slithered under my head and over my waist while we slept; our legs had tangled together. I could feel his morning arousal pressing against my ass. I had to stretch into it, just a little. It would have been unwomanly of me not to.

The slight, sharp intake of air from the ghoul told me it was noticed; the clenching of his hand on my hip said it was enjoyed.


"What's up, Sister?"

"Tell me a secret."

I could almost feel his face squish in thought, his fingers played with the hem of my shirt thoughtlessly. Inwardly I was begging him to touch me. I needed it, I wanted it. I wanted him.

"I was thinking of you last night, out there with the radroach."

His voice was low, heavy, teasing. It hit me straight in the gut and liquified my resistance. The moisture building in between my legs was noticeable and I was suddenly self-conscious of my body. I blushed at the thought that he could smell my arousal.

"What about you, sugar?" His breath dusted my cheek, his lips almost touching the sensitive skin on my ear.

Goose bumps errupted across my skin. My manageable need was turning into a burn. I took a steadying breath as his hand lay flat along my ribs, the thin material of my shirt adding to the madness mounting in my veins.

"You ever touch yourself thinking of me? You ever come thinking of me, of what I'd do to ya if you gave me the chance?"

His tone was pure sex; hot, rough, promising so much. I wanted more. My hand clasped the one under my head, drawing light, lazy circles over the damaged skin. His breath hitched and the hand on my ribs clenched.

"All the time." I answered honestly. "Your hands are so big, and your fingers are long. I've wondered what they'd feel like on me. In me." Our legs had begun slowly, lazily rubbing, it had not escaped my notice that his knee inched closer to my arousal with every word. "And that smart mouth of yours. I bet your silver tongue could make me beg for you."

He moaned then, his hand snaking down my shirt to touch my skin. His other hand caught my own, squeezing as his knee rested at my junction.

"God you're so wet." He growled the words into my hair as his free hand traveled over my skin. "And soft."

His fingers dipped into my belly button, then lazily trailed back up, tracing each rib back and forth. His knee moved with my body as it began moving against him, pressing against his hard cock and seeking release for the fire dwelling inside.

"I fantasized about you for months, Doll." He nipped my shoulder, then flipped me onto my stomach. "Don't think you're getting out of this." He moved my hair. "I've dreamed about your hair." I heard him inhale deeply, "it's so beautiful. Soft, smells even better up close." He tugged gently, but firmly.

Heat shot through me and I gasped his name. I didn't have to see his face to know he was grinning wickedly.

"One of these days you're going to suck me off while I've got a handful of your hair." He licked the rim of my ear, biting on my lobe, I squirmed against the bed.


His arousal rested on my back, his stomach pressed against my shoulders, he rubbed himself against me through his underwear. "I know, love. Not yet."

He lowered himself, peeling off my shirt. For a moment there was nothing; embers popping, distant gun shots, our heavy, desperate breathing.

"Fuck you're beautiful." His voice sounded distant, the mood shifted. "A-are you sure you wanna wake up to an ugly mu-"

I flipped over, toppling Hancock to the side, "I can choose who I give myself to." I was angry now. "As long as you're fucking me, everyone else can go fuck themselves." I placed a hand against his cheek, ran it over his head, down his chest.

I looked into his eyes warily. Instead of seeing the defiant, scared, nervous or angry man I expected there was something else. Something I wasn't sure I could match. I pressed my lips against his, awkwardly at first. As he relaxed I was able to nibble on his lower lip; Hancock rewarded me with a contented sigh that deepend the kiss. His arms wrapped around me, pulling us chest to chest. He felt good against my bare skin, in more than a sexual way.

I wrapped my arms around him, breaking the kiss.We stayed like that for a long, long while.

And She Continued Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now