Rockin' Side to Side

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I raced down the hill after the Raiders, my feet flying over packed rock and dust. I paused long enough to bring my rifle to my shoulder and fire.

One of the Raiders stumbled with a shout, scrambling along the ground, dust raising around her, before grabbing her footing and continuing.

Hancock passed me, flying with the unnatural speed of a ghoul. A wicked grin plastered his face, his eyes flashing from the shadows cast by the brim of his hat. His dagger danced in one hand, the other clenched his shotgun.

In an attempt to gain ground one of the Raiders turned and fired. The shot sprayed the ground around me, peppering a dead tree behind us a way; it cracked and toppled down the hill. I watched as it gained speed, headed straight for me. Sheer luck caught the tree on an outcropping of boulders.

I looked to Hancock further down the hill. He was teeming with rage.

"Oh, I'm feral now!" He raged, throwing himself down the hill at an impossible pace.

He grabbed the nearest raider, throwing him into the one I had shot. She screeched in agony as they toppled to the ground. Hancock swirled on a booted heel, his knife flashed before planting itself into the neck of the third Raider. He leveled his shot gun, fired. They lay still. Two birds with one stone.

I slowed up as I approached him, taking in the carnage.

"Impressed?" He winked, smearing blood that had splattered on him across his cheek.

I nodded, brows raised, "That was..." His burning gaze caught me. I ducked my head blushing.

"I... I don't want to mess anything up between us." He hesitated.

I felt the shame and embarrassment kick in. I ground my foot into the dirt, looking down.

"You're... my best friend." He struggled, "The best thing that's ever happened to me." His hands cupped my face, forcing me to look at him. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. You... you make me wanna stop running. From myself. From life."

I watched him searching my eyes, my face, for answers to an unspoken question. I took a deep breath and grabbed one of his hands.

"Am I just a friend, Hancock?" He jumped at the words and tried to pull away. I trapped his hand, stepped closer so that our bodies were speared by a breath. "I know I screwed things up." I spoke quickly. "I know I started pulling away. Something in me feels as though I'm cheating on Nate, that I'm somehow betraying Shaun by f-" my eyes opened wide and I met Hancock's gaze. "I love you."

The words came out as a light whisper, nearly carried away in the post apocalyptic breeze. Hancock's face softened, his fingers trailed down my cheek, wiping away the tears I didn't know were falling. I hicupped, fishing in my pocket for the ring I kept there.

"We've been traveling together for almost a year now," I smiled watery. "I know you better than I knew Nate, rest his soul. I know you better than I know myself in some ways. I know that you like to sing, even if you can't carry a tune in a bucket. I know you spend time every evening cleaning every inch and crease and divot in your skin. I know you use string to clean between your teeth. I know you like to kill people close range because you feel such things shouldn't be done impersonally. I know you would kill for me. I know you have done so. I know you want me, and I know you've held off because I asked you to.

"I also know that you're in love with me too." I shifted nervously, chewing my lip, "A-at least I hope you do cuz I may need to eat a bullet after this if I'm wrong."

He chuckled until I pulled his hand down from my face. I kissed his palm and looked at him, holding the ring.

"What do you say about trying this out long term?" I smiled nervously.

And She Continued Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now