You Make Me Move

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I tensed beneath him, my body spasmed as I gasped for air. Everything inside me exploded like a firework, lights and glitter and explosions and beauty all in one. My hands dug into him as my body arched of its own accord. I clenched around his fingers, again and again.

His breathing labored as my orgasm subsided. I peeked from behind closed lids to see his eyes watching me raw and heavy with need.

"Feelin' better Sister?" His voice was tinged with humor, though strained.

"I-it's been..."

"Years?" He offered, hopeful.

I nodded, suddenly embarrassed and shy. I moved to push his hand away, confused when his fingers didn't budge. He grinned at me wicked as his thumb twitched against my clit, now sensitive from the earlier friction. I gasped, my body twitched.

"I-I don't think I can-"

His eyebrows raised, "Really?" His thumb moved again, my response unrestrained. "I think you can." He responded, slowly removing his fingers. "Look how much you came for me."

His voice was heavy, heady. I felt nearly drunk as I watched him lick his fingers. Part of me wanted to be grossed out, to be repulsed. Nate would never have done something like that. Then again, Nate had never said those things to me either.

A tug at my feet alerted me to my shoes being removed. The whisper of leather over my skin. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation. It was closely followed by the even lighter touch of my underwear tracing the same path. I knew I was naked now.

"You're gorgeous." His voice floated from above me.

I let out a self-depreciating laugh, "You should have seen me before the war. Less... hair." I felt the blush starting at the hollows of my cheeks; my legs were hairy, my pits were hairy, my vulva was hairy.

Sure I shaved, but it was difficult and usually the rash resulting was painfully itchy so the act was rare. I tried to bathe frequently to make up for it. I felt a warmth brush along my inner thigh. I jumped, my eyes wide open. Hancock smiled from down in-between my legs.

"Have you seen me, Love?" His tongue snaked out, licking one of my lips. I jolted at the contact, "I like your hair."

I let out a breathless laugh as his mouth set on the inside of my thigh, inches from my opening. I closed my eyes again, my hands roving over his head, his skin was so warm.

"Open your eyes." He grunted, "Watch me taste you."

I felt a blush scrawling over me again. I had never, never been this perverse with my sexual appetite before. Nate had loved me, I had loved Nate. But he had been safe. And comfortable. We knew what we knew and we never strayed. Even after I saw his magazines... even after I had offered more... The bitterness faded as Hancock grabbed my thighs, throwing my legs over his shoulder.

He kissed me again, "I'm going to taste you." He told me, his tongue trailing to the beginning of my pubic hair. "I'm going to tongue-fuck you senseless. I'm going to claim all your holes." He grinned again in a wolfish way at my confused look, "I'm going to cum inside of you." I felt heat pooling inside of me again at his words, "You are going to watch me. You're going to watch this. You won't be able to close your eyes without thinking about how completely I've claimed you." His tongue roved over my clit for a fierce minute.

Already I felt myself building back into an orgasm.


He winked, lifting his head for a second. "I used to be very charming and handsome, remember?"

And She Continued Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now