Love You Crazy

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"Yeah well fuck you too!" I screamed, slamming the rickety door as I stormed off onto the beach in my underwear.

I felt the settlers eyes on me, nervous and confused; thirsty for the drama details and terrified of what I could do to them.

Hancock and I head cut a swath across the Commonwealth. We were the power couple, heralded on Diamond a city radio, talked about by Raiders and Minute men. The only things that seemed to not know who we were were the animals and bugs of the wastes.

I growled, the stitches on my arm were tight. My rage ebbed as the ocean lapped at my toes.

"Hancock." I growled, I didn't have to look. I could feel him around me like I could feel a radstorm coming.

"Look, I didn't mean to make you mad-"

"The fuck you didnt!" I growled, grabbing a handful of sand and throwing it at him.

I sputtered as the wind caught it and blew it right back into my face.

"Goddammit!" I sat in the surf, the cold ocean soaking my panties. "Even nature is against me." Angry tears coarsed down my face.

"Oh." Hancock cooed, holding out his arms as he sidled closer slowly, "oh, oh, oh." He embraced me, petting my hair, "I'm sorry love."

I started relaxing in his arms, crying harder now, words squeezing out around sobs, "No, I'm sorry. I'm stupid and bitchy."

"No, no." He sat with me, pulling me on his lap and rocking me. "I shouldn't have suggested..." He kissed my hair, I heard his heart rate rise.

"I'd love to have a baby with you." I whispered. "I shouldn't have gotten so angry. I shouldn't have accused you..." I closed my eyes, "I shouldn't have gotten so angry but it feels like I'm replacing Shaun..."

I felt him stiffen beneath me, his hand slowed for a moment. That was exactly what I accused him of before I had fled the settlement.

"I just." He sighed, picking his words carefully. "I don't even know if I can have more kids. I just wanted to give you what you missed with Shaun. I know it won't replace him, I don't want to do that to you. Never." He sighed, leaning back in the sand with his elbows propping him up. "I missed out on it too. I didn't even know Fahrenheit existed till she had an attitude and a few deaths under her belt. Lord knows her mama must have suffered from a baby so much like me."

"What was she like?"

Hancock froze for a moment, not in fear or apprehension but in thought.

"We were just teenagers." He began carefully. "We weren't steady. She had red hair, always dirty. I didn't care. I was a teenage boy chomping at the bit to prove I was a man. I thought that's what men did, I... God I was an awful son." He smiled sadly at the memories. "I was an awful man. Always running away. Scared of commitment, scared of ruining someone's life. I'd be with Red in the afternoon and then screwing her best friend before dinner.

"I wasn't a good man. She could have been good though. I think she had it in her. I guess I've always liked them full of steel and fire." He nudged me with a wink. "Fahrenheit. Her Ma said it was cuz her temper ran so hot. Like mine I guess.

"We fought constantly. It was my fault. She had dreams of marriage and all that. Left me one day for some western traveller. Some guy who ran with a gang called Snakes or something."

"And?" I prodded in his silence.

He shrugged, sitting up again. "That's it. Fahrenheit showed up years later, during my... change into this. Her mom died, sent her to my door. She's been my right hand soldier ever since. I tried to father her, shelter her best I could.

"She wouldn't have any of it." He chuckled, watching the water lap at his boots. "I crave it sometimes though." His voice lowered, grew husky. "I get angry...? No, maybe forlorn? Over it. I'd like to hold a baby. My baby. I never got that."

My heart had softened, despite the jealousy that lapped at the edges. I had taken his words wrong. I knew I had when I first lashed out, but the more time that passed the less I felt the pressure to find Shaun.

"I'm sorry John." I whispered, pressing my forehead against his. "I just don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so... emotional all the time."

He laughed, "Let's get you back inside. Let me finish tending to you."

The lilt in his voice told me exactly what he meant.

I giggled as Hancock breathed on my neck, his fingers tracing lightly up my sides.


His fingers dug in, I squealed. Uranium fever played as my shell and bone wind chime clinged distantly in the faint ocean breeze.

"French Fries."

His tongue looped my earlobe. I breathed deeply, turning into him.

His dark eyes were half lidded, his face wearing a lop-sided grin.

"Cinnamon bread."

His fingers trailed over the underside of my breasts, trickling down over my ribs and pausing in my silence.

"That's it?" He cocked his head.

I nodded, rolling onto my back with a little effort. "Oh wait, teriyaki stir fry. I could kill for some good beef right now."

He looked confused, "I could make you brahmin?"

I laughed. "No. No. It's not the same."

I sighed, watching his hands lazily trace circles over my growing belly. The same sorrow that haunted me pricked at my heart.

I grabbed his hand, catching his gaze. "He's really gone. Everything... everything is gone. The Institute, my Shaun... Nate, my life before. I'll never have another french fry, or chicken strip. Or..." I sighed as small feet, clicking claws, and larger stomps came up the wooden path.

I pulled my shirt down hastily, though Hancock refused to make himself decent.

The door burst open.

"Mommy!" Shaun ran in, my heart clenched.

My perfect little boy, followed closely by his younger brother, Celsius. I had laughed at Hancock's suggestion, but Fahrenheit seemed pleased when she'd found out we were expecting. She ducked her head at the sight of Hancock and I together, her neck growing red.

"These demons won't let me get any work done." She gruffed, stepping forward awkwardly as Dogmeat and his playmate, Shoe, rushed into the room. "Especially those two mutts."

"Nice to see you too." Hancock smiled, relishing in her discomfort.

"God you two are gross. I'm getting out of here." She waved over her shoulder.

The boys grabbed some food from the counter, Shaun's slim 11 year old synth fingers and Celsius's pudgy 5 year old hand. I smiled, watching them as they tore out onto the sand shouting their goodbyes to Fahrenheit as the dogs barked, dancing around one another.

"Look at our little freak show." Hancock smiled, kissing my cheek. "Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined I'd be this lucky."

I eyed him, brow raised.

"Better than any chems." He paused, tapped his lip theatrically, "Well, maybe 80% of them."

And She Continued Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now