Beast About to Strike

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"Oh shit!" I screamed, diving behind the bookcase. "Ohshitshitshitshitshit!"

Dogmeat, brave little soul, charged at the giant monster. I felt tears pricking my eyes.

Damned dog is going to die. I should have known by all the dead fucking bodies, and that stupid holotape. I should have known!

Panicked I noticed the man – no, the corpse of a man – holding a giant weapon. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I were genuinely brave enough. The sound of Dogmeat's cry answered that question. Without thinking I dove forward, grabbing the huge weapon, loading the missile and aiming at the giant mutated death lizard.

"Hey fuckface!" I growled, using the edge of my armor to help aim the heavy launcher. "Eat shit."

I pulled the trigger, the missile launched and hit its target. My shoulder sang in agony against the kick back, muscles were pulled that shouldn't be pulled. I waited while the dust cleared, sure that the monster was down. Dogmeat growled excitedly. Through the grime I saw the clawed hand strike out, narrowly missing carving my pups chest open with its deadly talons. It roared in anger, the force of which was enough to make me stagger back.

My hands shook as I hastily loaded another missile, using my VATS system to correct my aim, giving me an advantage to its weakened and damaged parts. I fired at the creatures left leg, watching in disgusted fascination as the appendage blew off in a spray of blood, gore, and bone.

"Holy shit."

The monster was on the ground now, groaning in agony. Suddenly I felt terrible, guilty. Almost disgusted with myself. I loaded another missile, firing. This one ended the creatures suffering. Hesitantly I laid the weapon down. Dogmeat padded up to me, his coat covered in dust and grime from the explosions.

Dimly I wondered if Nate had ever had to manhandle a weapon like that before. For a moment I felt the adrenaline kick in, the weird hitch in sexual drive that followed. It faded pretty quickly as I ran a hand over the scales of the creature. It was a killing machine for sure; one claw could sever my body in half easily. I shuddered.

"But why were you here?" I murmured, not noticing that Dogmeat had run off.

Curiously I began to explore the old museum. I had always wanted to visit, back when things were... different. Now I'd never have the chance. I picked up a burnt book, running my hand over the charred cover. I missed reading, I realized belatedly. I missed things being nice. I flipped the book open, wincing as the charred remains crumbled apart in my hands.

Dogmeat barked, snapping me out of my reverie.

"What is it boy?" Quickly I hopped around the body, scrambling over broken floorboards into a bathroom.

The smell of decay smacked me straight in the nose. "Oh God, Dogmeat. Really?" My complaint died on my lips. "Broken...?"

Broken eggs... Immediately I registered what had happened, almost as suddenly my guilt increased twenty fold.

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." Tears filled my eyes at the thought.

I could relate to this monster, to having your babies stolen. Even worse, having them killed. It raised questions about Shaun.

Could he be... I couldn't let myself finish that thought, instead turning my attention to the infant massacre before me.

Gingerly I picked through the smashed eggs, my heart sinking with each piece of shell. I winced, jumping back as my hand landed on one still slightly warm.

And She Continued Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now