Nothing in this Shop Belongs to You

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Leroy (Grumpy): Just 'cause you possess something don't mean it's yours

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Leroy (Grumpy): Just 'cause you possess something don't mean it's yours. (The Crocodile)

The glass wolf sparkled and danced as Mr. Gold dangled it from its gray thread. Sidelong, he glanced at the wolf's owner. Ruby had barely run a comb through her long chestnut hair before rushing to keep her appointment with him. Elbows on the counter, she stared fixated at her keepsake.

Evidently, the possibility Ruby would revert to a wolf at tomorrow's full moon made her anxious. Excellent. He'd always found it easier to influence a desperate soul.

Sure of his audience, Mr. Gold shot the cuffs on his indigo jacquard shirt and pointed at the glass trinket, suffusing the body with an unearthly green glow.

Ruby's eyes widened. "Do you think this'll work?"

"If your cloak is in Storybrooke, it'll be in my shop—unless someone stole it. The day after the curse broke, my place was a free for all. More than one prize ended up in the wrong hands when my back was turned."

"I need to find it."

Mr. Gold watched Ruby twist the fringe of her black-and-silver scarf around one scarlet-nailed finger.

"Tomorrow night will be the first full moon since the curse broke," she continued. "If I didn't bring enough cash, you have to let me work out payments."

Mr. Gold waved his hand. "No charge. It's your cloak. You never bartered it away. All I ask is—"

Ruby's sharp glance stopped him mid-sentence. "I won't report on Belle to you."

Damn it. Mr. Gold favored the lovely young woman with what he hoped was a pleasant smile. "Be my spy? Of course, I wouldn't ask that." At least, not directly. "What I want is for you to be careful about who learns your secret. When someone is forced to struggle with a beast nature—someone like you or me—people can be judgmental... not like Belle."

"She's been a good friend," Ruby murmured.

Mr. Gold nodded. I've found the right track. "You and I never met when I was under the Dark One curse. Back then, I was the stuff of nightmares: lizard skin, black talons, snake eyes. The sight of me scared wee children into obeying their parents and grown men into wetting their pants." Noting Ruby's faint smile, he added, "Belle could see past that."

Ruby's expression took on a wolf-like wariness.

I overstepped. Time to divert. "Here. Your wolf is ready to guide you. Let it swing freely. Possession will call to possession. When you near something that belongs to you, you'll feel a tug. When you're very close, the wolf will glow red."

Taking her luminous charm, Ruby's wariness melted into delight. "Where should I look?"

"Anywhere the wolf leads." Clutching his cane, Mr. Gold stepped back from his counter to gesture around the treasure-filled display cases, shelves, and racks gracing his pawnshop. "If your search brings no joy, try my office and storeroom."

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