No One's Claimed Him

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Mulan: We're survivors

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Mulan: We're survivors. (We Are Both)

Late that night, Snow White sat between Mulan and Aurora as a guest at Peter Pan's campfire. Since she'd already heard the story of the dozen Lost Boys who were now lost from their companions, she took the time to ponder a different story. Emma had never provided details about Henry's father—neither when they were two single women sharing a loft nor when they'd discovered they were mother and daughter. As Snow watched the grownup spirit-of-youth hold his solemn powwow, she realized Emma was far from knowing the full story, too.

On the one hand, she was happy to learn Emma's statement Henry's father was no hero wasn't strictly true. The Lost Boys saw Peter Pan's return as the hope that good would triumph over evil and their missing members would soon be found. And his presence wasn't, so bad for Emma and her either. If he'd flown to the Fire Swamp from Maine, then surely, he could fly them back—even if it took him two trips. If her daughter wanted to see Henry again, then she could hold her anger for one flight.

On the other hand, that anger had been pretty upsetting to witness. Snow White had been stunned at the depth of pain this over-sized child had caused her daughter. He certainly had some explaining to do.

Hearing a swooshing noise, Snow looked up. For the third time, Freebird, Nibs, and Rock swooped down from the treetop lookout post without Emma. Evidently, they hadn't been able to talk her out of taking yet another shift on watch. Her daughter had stranded herself up there since before dinner, refusing to take anything except a canteen and a handful of roasted pumpkin seeds. Well, she has a lot to mull over.

The three hovering boys sheepishly shook their heads and drifted down into their previous positions in the circle. In the flickering light of the campfire, Snow saw Peter Pan's forehead knit mournfully as he squinted at the uppermost branches of Emma's tree. Then his expression became grave and resolute again as Nibs resumed his account of their capture of the four women.

"It was really more of a rescue," Aurora interjected.

"Tink thought they were Hook's wenches," Nibs explained.

The twinkling green light jingled, and Tootles automatically translated, "A mistake."

"Yeah, Tink's made a lot of them lately," Peter Pan mumbled.

In a few more minutes—to the Lost Boys' evident disappointment—their leader wrapped up the powwow with, "You've given me a lot to think about."

We'll hear his plans tomorrow, Snow thought.

Standing, he gathered the boys into a huddle. Then he looked over his shoulder and nodded for the women to join them.

Snow wedged herself in, slipping an arm around Slightly and stooping to slip her other around Curly.

Peter glanced around the tightly knit group. "I guess, under the circumstances, the cheer Grownups spoil everything would be out-of-place. Do you guys remember the one about the Musketeers?"

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