Sounds Like a Complicated Life

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Grumpy (Leroy): But if love's so great, then why do I feel so bad? (Dreamy)

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Grumpy (Leroy): But if love's so great, then why do I feel so bad? (Dreamy)

Standing in the packed playhouse lobby, Belle objected to yet another overblown compliment. Once more, she raised herself to tiptoes and craned her neck. Where's Rumple? That she was five foot two and he was a scant half foot taller didn't help. Try as she might, all she could see were her friends and family pressing around her awkwardly wide ball gown. He's probably looking for me right now, she assured herself. She didn't want to consider the alternative—that his shyness around crowds had sent him home or kept him away in the first place.

Trying her best to smile, Belle answered questions left and right—yes, she knew earth's version of "When the Nightingale Sings" was slightly different; no, her love of singing was natural, not implanted by the curse; yes, though old-world dresses were exquisite, she'd be glad to change into something less cumbersome. But not before I find Rumple.

Ruby nodded. "I can't imagine flipping hamburgers in that outfit, that's for sure." Before Belle could respond, her friend's gaze latched onto something on the far side of the lobby. "I see a man who looks like he wants to turn half the room into toads."

Sheriff David's smile became a scowl, Papageno and Papagena shrank back, and Granny planted her hands on her hips. Belle knew Doc and Happy couldn't see through the crowd any better than she could, but they managed to appear disapproving as well. Everyone's reactions could mean only one person: Rumple.

Belle contained the fluttery feeling in her stomach with feigned nonchalance. "Hmm?"

"Don't pretend you didn't know he was coming." Unlike the others, Ruby was practically winking at her. "Or that he'd bring roses."

He did? Belle exhaled a happy sigh.

Glancing up, she saw her father glare over his shoulder. Then he hunched down to search her face. "Belle, honey, you can't possibly be considering—"

"Father, you promised." Belle stretched to bring her mouth close to his ear and whispered, "You promised that if I forgave you for what you did to me, you'd forgive him for what he did to you."

Shaking his head, her father muttered, "I said if he apologizes. You know he'll never do that."

Belle twined her fingers in his and spoke more softly still. "After I explain how you misunderstood him so that you tried to send me across the border to erase my Enchanted Forest memories, then he'll apologize for misunderstanding you." I hope.

Her father growled. "Rumplestiltskin didn't just misunderstand me. What he did was—"


Granny snorted. "Don't be so coy. Everybody knows that last Valentine's Day that monster sent Moe to the emergency room."

From the shock on Papageno's and Papagena's faces, Belle saw the story was news to them. Swallowing hard, she wrapped an arm around her father. "What everyone doesn't know is that Regina had Rumple convinced my father had locked me in a tower where I was beaten and burned until I leapt to my death. If my father had believed such a lie about Rumple, he'd have done worse to him." When she caught him growling again, she squeezed his hand. "You admitted you would."

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