I've Never Forgotten

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Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin): "Just taking inventory." (Heart of Darkness)

Smee stared at the biscuit tin. One more job and I'm free? The unexpected prospect of being his own man again hit him like the first few chugs on a bottle of Cisco. He felt positively bouncy. Grinning into the white light beaming from under the open lid, he said, "You're the boss."

"First, you need to take care of the fairy dust. The dwarves hit a deposit two days ago. The first bag they filled is sitting unguarded just past the mine entrance. Bring a wheel barrel. Stow the bag under the old toll bridge."

Jack a gardener's truck. "Check."

"Second, show up for work, so Moe won't cause a scene if he sees you at the Storybrooke Concert for the Kids tonight."

The what concert? "Check." The damn tin would probably make him spring for his own ticket.

"Third, go to the concert. There will be a hard-to-find object there you'll be asked to acquire." With that, the rusty box snapped shut.

Detailed instructions later. Smee rolled his eyes. "Check."

He hoped the tin would provide the full scoop when he returned to his flat this evening to change his Game of Thorns uniform for street clothes. Otherwise, he'd have to lug the nasty thing around all night.

* * * * *

Inigo's smile brightened. "So, you've visited Florin? Does that mean you can point me in the direction of home?"

Neal frowned. "I've never actually seen it." Except in a movie, and I'm pretty sure that was actually the coast of Ireland.

Sitting on the log across from Neal, Snow cocked her head. "As I recall... you need to get back to help your friends...Westley, Buttercup, and Fezzick."

"Yes. That's right." Emma brushed back a tangle of blonde hair. "And defeat Prince Humperdinck."

So...Emma enjoys old movies, too. Neal rubbed his forehead, scavenging for some trivia to impress her. "And avenge your father. By dueling the six-fingered man. But only after Miracle Max and Valerie bring Westley back from near death."

Inigo's smile twisted into friendly perplexity. "That's not my story, but it is my great-grandfather's. How can you know it in a land I've never heard of when none of you have ever been to my land?"

Aurora flicked her eyes upward then shrugged. "It's because of the other land where these three have lived. Earth. That place is so fantastical, you'll think I'm making up a story. Nobody there can wield magic, yet nearly everybody is connected to spiritus mundi. Because of this, they know events from many universes. The only reason they don't make better use of their knowledge is the widespread delusion it's just their imagination."

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