What's Holding You Back?

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Henry, Regina's Father: There was a man

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Henry, Regina's Father: There was a man. Well, not quite a man (We Are Both).

Archie stood just inside the door, palms pressed together, while Mr. Gold limped across his office. "When you came here before, I only knew your Storybrooke identity," he said. "Today feel free to discuss anything—anything at all. The only way this works is if you talk. What you say doesn't leave this room. Just tell me what—what I should call you."

Archie watched Mr. Gold back up against the couch and give it the quick glance of the handicapped man who wants to make sure if his balance gives way, he won't crash. Gripping his cane, his client lowered himself carefully. Not until he was safely seated did he reply, "I prefer Mr. Gold. There's only one person in Storybrooke who can say Rumplestiltskin without sounding like she's spitting out the name of the devil."

"Okay." After all, I prefer Archie or Dr. Hopper to Jiminy Cricket. Quickly, he took his seat. "Let's dig right in. I think there's a lot to cover. On the phone you—you for ways to make the Storybrooke magic easier—easier for you to tap. I think maybe—maybe you have some doubts about yourself—"

"Whether I'm worthy of wielding magic based on love, sacrifice, and bravery?" Mr. Gold's tone was self-mocking, but Archie knew to expect that at the beginning of a session.

"Worthy is an interesting concept. And quite traditional. Just because you're not seeking tuition in this magic from a master who has to deem you worthy, doesn't mean you aren't using some form of measurement on yourself."

Mr. Gold chuckled. "Oh, my, doctor. You found the root of the matter immediately. I'm unquestionably unworthy."

"No. That's not what I meant. You gave that answer too—too easily. Think a moment. Surely you can give me one—one positive."

"About myself? Well, I've never been a bully." Mr. Gold began tapping his good foot. "Oh, I've killed many—in self-defense, for retaliation, to best a rival, from paranoia, to get something I wanted, as a means to an end. But never for sport just because I could."

Archie kept his expression neutral as Mr. Gold ticked off his list. You already knew he's killed people. Move along. " Did—did you ever kill when you weren't under the Dark One curse?"

"Yes, once. To become the Dark One, I had to kill the previous Dark One."

"And only—only the once?"

Mr. Gold's gaze was penetrating. "What are you asking me, doctor? Whether I've killed anyone since—in Storybrooke?"

Archie steeled himself not to back down from Mr. Gold's stare. "As a counselor, I'm obligated to report any indication you plan to—to harm yourself or another person in the—the future. I'm obligated to keep confidential any—any act of harm you may have done in the—the past."

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