Don't Mistake All This as an Invitation

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Dr. Whale (Victor Frankenstein): Sometimes, it's easier to talk to someone when you don't give a crap what they think. (The Shepherd)

Archie placed two clean crystal goblets on his kitchen table then pulled up a seat as Vincent uncorked the wine.

"Just enough for a toast," Vincent assured him.

Archie smiled. "To meeting again soon and-" he took a breath then took the plunge "-and true love."

Vincent didn't smile. Instead his eyes were searching. Picking up his glass, he leaned close enough to press his forehead against Archie's. "Yes. At long last, true love."

Archie's heart soared. They clinked glasses. Then the doorbell chimed.

Vincent leaned back. "It's nearly midnight. Who on earth...?"

Archie set his goblet down. "No idea. But I better go see." When he got to his feet, Vincent started to push his chair back, too. Archie shook his head.

With a sigh, Vincent settled back down. "I know. I should stay here. Our secret."

Archie gave him a guilty, grateful smile. Then the bell sounded again-three insistent rings. He hurried out of his kitchen and down his oak-paneled hall. As he passed his library, Pongo woke up, barking fiercely. Before his Dalmatian could dash out, Archie pushed him back and shut him in.

The bell rang again.

On the threshold, Archie straightened the sash on his green fleece robe and brushed a hand over his unkempt hair. He twisted the knob slowly, planning to crack the door just enough to dispatch whichever Storybrooke resident thought the middle of the night was a fine time for a visit. Then the door swept open, banging him on the nose.

On the doorstep stood Regina, shaking rain off her umbrella. "About time," she said and made to brush past him.

Quickly, Archie swept out his arms to block her. "It's-it's late."

Regina raised her eyebrows. "I need to talk."

"But-but... office hours. I have office hours. You need to-to-"

"Cora. I just found out she's alive and trying to reach Storybrooke."

"Your-your mother...? Oh." The flood of ghastly memories Regina had poured out to Archie rose like a tidal wave in his mind-murdered servants revivified, trees that grabbed her when she tried to flee, her true love's heart ripped from his chest. "C-c-cora. Yes, of course-of course, you need to talk."

He dropped his arms, but when Regina tried again to pass him, he began backing up the hallway. "Let's talk in my-my library." Pongo howled, and he retreated further. "My-my dining room." The evidence of his gourmet supper for two flashed in his mind, and he amended, "My-my living room."

Regina stopped, perching her knuckles on her hips. "Cricket, I need a drink. I'm going to your kitchen."

She lifted a hand. Remembering the numerous times that move had preceded an uncanny force slamming him against the wall, Archie cringed.

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