If You Let Me Go

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Mary-Margaret Blanchard (Snow White): Even if you can't admit what you did, I forgive you anyway

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Mary-Margaret Blanchard (Snow White): Even if you can't admit what you did, I forgive you anyway. (We Are Both)

When Ruby passed on Mr. Gold's message, August snickered. Baffled, she shook her head. "Well, I'm glad it's funny. I was afraid it might be some sort of, I don't know, threat?"

At that, August laughed so hard, he had to prop himself against the pine-paneled wall. "It is," he managed at last, then, "Hey, let me help you with—"

"I can handle my own zipper." With practiced ease, Ruby stuck out her elbow to block him. The story of how he'd gotten the reddish, purplish swelling over his right cheekbone had earned him points, but not enough for that. "Besides, I'm just poking my head in. I don't want you squirreling away my wrap in some closet where I can't find it when I want to go."

August contorted his mouth into a pout as Ruby shrugged off her red nylon jacket. Rolling her eyes, she sauntered over to the already stuffed coat rack. August kept in step, not an inch from her shoulder. Typical guy.

"At least stay long enough to see my Madagascar slides. You know, lemurs?"

Not finding a free hook, Ruby flung her jacket across the top and leaned her big, striped umbrella against the wall. Then she pivoted on her heel and crossed her arms. "You told me you saw them in Nepal. You lied."

August returned a hangdog smile. "The only lemurs in Nepal are in zoos." He held out his hands. "When I first came to Storybrooke, everyone was under the curse. I was testing you guys, seeing how good your earth info was."

Mine wouldn't have won me any money on Jeopardy, that's for sure. Ruby's store of local knowledge was what one would expect from the town slut. She knew shoe brands, the hottest knock-offs, club music, makeup tricks, and every detail of Johnny Depp's career. Until she'd met August, her familiarity with earth's wildlife had been on the level of a child's ABC book. Maybe Belle and I should start a get-to-know-your-earth study group. "Madagascar, Nepal, and now Singapore. You're just rubbing it in that you can travel and we can't."

August leaned forward. "I'll bring you back something."

"Yeah, sure." And Ruby knew just what it would be: perfume, jewelry, or a fancy silk scarf. The Storybrooke curse had also implanted a thorough education in men who wanted to get into her pants.

"How about a Wushu sword?"

Ruby's mouth opened. "What?" Now that would be different.

August raised an eyebrow. "I've heard, back in the day, you were quite the warrior."

Grinning, Ruby curled her fingers at him. "Fangs and claws. All a girl needs."

"I bet that got them howling."

Still grinning, Ruby shook her head. "A Wushu sword. It's not like I'd ever want to use it. Goodness, no. I hope I never have to use my fangs and claws like that again either. But still..." Wouldn't a sword look cool hanging on her wall next to her crossbow? And trying it out would be fun. David favored the broadsword, but he could show her some moves. Good exercise.

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