What Is This Place?

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Henry: But what if I'm right? We know who they are

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Henry: But what if I'm right? We know who they are. Now they have to know. (Snow Falls)

Emma found the Lost Boys' tree lookout post surprisingly snug—a hammock of vines slung just under the topmost leaves. The fact that her three supper companions had had to fly her up to it meant she was stuck here until someone saw fit to relieve her.

That's okay. Mulling over her odd conversation with the tinkling, twinkling green light gave her a lot to think about.

After long deliberation, she concluded, Tinker Bell knew my full name because I'm the quote unquote savior. Emma had to accept that after twenty-eight years of indifference, the universe—or universes—thought she was just plain awesome. She smiled to herself. That's right. Saviors are awesome.

And the minuscule fairy had been especially inquisitive about Henry: how old he was, what color his hair was, whether he liked to dance with his shadow. Well, the son of a savior was bound to be fascinating, too.

That Tinker Bell had been interested in Henry's father had been another matter. Grudgingly, Emma had disclosed they'd met in a hot-wired Volkswagen bug, which she'd explained to the Lost Boys as a land dinghy painted yellow. Describing Neal as a bastard had led to confusion but calling him a rodent of unusual size had finally gotten her point across.

Emma began another slow, purposeful scan of their environs. She'd never kept watch in a swamp before, but with her experience chasing bail bond jumpers, she was adept at scrutinizing crowds for the one person who looked out of place. The moon was bright enough that she could make out ROUS scurrying around just outside their camp. A bunch of would-be kidnappers negotiating pits of lightning sand and fire spouts would be easy to spot.

Suddenly, Tootles screamed, "Tink! Where are you?! Tink!"

"Seriously?" Emma muttered to herself. The Lost Boys' replacement for the legendary Peter Pan couldn't have betrayed the location of their camp more clearly if he'd tried. Thank goodness there weren't any enemies within sight let alone hollering distance.

After a few minutes of muffled, sleepy responses, Tootles' cries woke up his companions. Soon all of them were calling out to the missing fairy. In another minute, she saw the redheaded Lost Boy zooming up to her post.

As Nibs rose face-to-face with her, she was ready to scold him for the undisciplined shouting, but his look of distress stopped her.

"Tink's disappeared. She's gone." As he blurted out his words, he started to sink.

Emma grabbed the frightened boy by the arm and yanked him onto the hammock. "Get a hold of yourself. You can't fly in this state."

Nibs nodded, gulped, and slapped his cheeks.

"Are you sure she's missing? She's, so tiny, she's easy to miss. Maybe she's just sleeping through the commotion."

Nibs shook his head. "Tink sleeps in a mitten by Tootles' head. When Tootles is on duty, she sleeps by me."

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