What's Your Plan?

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Mary-Margaret Blanchard (Snow White): Well, sadly this plan is rather genius

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Mary-Margaret Blanchard (Snow White): Well, sadly this plan is rather genius. (Snow Falls)

David glanced over at Henry, riding shotgun next to him in the front of Storybrooke's police cruiser. His grandson had required a mug of warm milk, time to read the next chapter of The Eyes of the Dragon, and a threat to cancel his broadsword lesson before he'd lain down to sleep. Then one a.m. sharp, David had reluctantly shaken him awake. That stolen red pickup—we've had a sighting. I've got to track it down. I'm taking you to Regina's. From the way his grandson was scooting around in his seat—scanning the boulevard, peering up alleys, checking each passing driveway—he knew Regina would have a hard a time getting him to bed again.

"It was that man in the red cap, wasn't it," Henry said. "Mr. Smee."

David's mouth twisted, and he grunted. He still couldn't fathom how he'd screwed up so royally earlier. He'd stared at the truck full on, observed that it matched the police report, watched Smee squirm, and yet he'd let the goon go with nothing but best wishes. What had come over him? If Rumplestiltskin ever found out how naïvely he'd acted, David would never hear the end of it.

I won't be that dense again.

Henry sat up straighter. "I'm thinking of becoming a cop when I grow up. Why don't you give me some on-the-job training? I don't need to be baby-sat. It's not like Mr. Smee's dangerous."

"Nice try. You're going to Regina's." David slowed at the intersection then turned down the side street. "After all, you never know how rats will act when they're cornered." Though he agreed Mr. Smee would likely just whimper.

David slowed for the stop sign then rolled through. Strange that Regina hadn't picked up his call. She sure was a sound sleeper. Hopefully, tenacious knocking would wake her up.

As they neared his adoptive mother's mansion, Henry sighed. Then he gasped. "Look!"

David stared. Now that the rain had cleared, visibility was perfect. In Regina's well-lit front yard, two exceptionally large men had boxed her in between them. She was flailing around while they grasped her arms.

Muttering to Henry, "Stay here," David slammed on the brakes and jumped out.

As he raced up her walkway, Regina shrieked, "You ogres! Lemme go!"

Then he heard a familiar voice. "No. Please. You'll fall and hurt yourself. Let us assist you to your door."

"Hey, Kurt!" David stopped, panting. "Is she giving you guys trouble?"

"No trouble. We have this, sheriff."

Regina struggled harder. "David! David! These ogres are abducting me!"

He shook his head. She's not just the Evil Queen. She's a drama queen. "They're only trying to help. No need to insult them."

Regina broke free, staggered then threw herself against David. Gritting his teeth, he stuck his hands under her damp armpits and held her out at arm's length. She belched. He wrinkled his nose at the stench of wine laced with whatever junk food Henry had convinced her to eat at the fair.

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