More Than Just a Book

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Marco (Geppetto): I thought I would find my boy

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Marco (Geppetto): I thought I would find my boy. (We Are Both)

As Charming shepherded Thomas out of the shop, Mr. Gold stared at the blades heaped in the showcase. What did Smee say he was looking for? He can't possibly know about the Dark One's dagger, can he? He pointed at the lock and opened it.

Walking up behind him, Charming interrupted his thoughts with, "That was cold."

"Was it?" Mr. Gold twisted his hand to snap the lock shut then swung around on his cane. "Maybe in the Enchanted Forest, all Prince Thomas had to do was be charming, and he'd get anything he wanted. Here he must learn what we peasants have always known: acquiring anything takes negotiation and hard work."

Hopper joined them. "Be fair. Thomas has pulled double shifts at the—the cannery for the last year. And Ella—Ella was pregnant for twenty-nine years. They've—they've hardly had it easy."

Charming raised his chin, looking down his nose at Mr. Gold. "And you tried to take their baby."

"Did I, dearie? And what do you think I'd have done with her? Eaten her in a stew? Skinned her to make a pair of gloves? Juggled her? Pish tosh. My deals where babies are concerned have meant many things, but never anything bad. Some I've placed in better situations. Your twin brother was raised as a prince because of one of my deals. And your mum and dad got their own farm on which to raise you. I'd have found a similar good situation for Ella's baby here in Storybrooke if Thomas hadn't manned up to his responsibilities. Other babies I've tutored—once they were old enough to appreciate my instruction."

"Tutored? I'd hate to ask in what," Charming said.

Mr. Gold smiled sweetly. "Nothing you'd have had the brains to comprehend, dearie. As far as Mr. and Mrs. Prince Thomas are concerned, I'd have asked for a favor. And for their spoiled little princess to grow up knowing she owed it to me. As it stands, it's your baby that owes me that favor."

Charming sighed. "Something Emma will never repay if she's there and we're here."

Mr. Gold grimaced. "I'm working on it," he muttered.

"Working on it? I didn't come today just to hear that again. I know about Dr. Whale's arm."

"And that I was practicing medicine without a license? Slap on the handcuffs, Acting Sheriff."

Charming folded his arms. "In the last five minutes, I've seen you do two more tricks by flicking your wrist. If you can do all that, why can't you re-open the portal to bring my wife and child back from the Enchanted Forest?"

If it's a demand, it must be a royal. "I spent nearly two-hundred-and-fifty years getting from the Enchanted Forest to here. And it took Emma another twenty-eight. Finding a way back for your family shouldn't take that long, but you can't expect me to accomplish it in less than twenty-eight days."

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