Chapter 17

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I wake up to a call. I turn to grab my phone to see Matt not by me. I shrug and grab my phone answering Jc.

"Uh hello?" I ask confused.

"Hey! Got any plans today?" He asks.

"Uh no I don't think so" I reply rubbing my eyes.

"Good. Be at the o2l house in 20" He says laughing.

"Okay" I laugh.

"See you soon!" he hangs up.

I drop my phone on the bed and drag my self to the bathroom. I brush my teeth then check the rooms to see everyone sleeping, good.

I walk into my room and go to my dresser, I see a note from Matt.

Hey beautiful,

I had to leave early with Nash to film at his new apartment. See you later babe love you!

Love Matt

I then smiled and tried to figure out a good outfit. I then get a text as I'm holding up a tank top. I look over and see it's Jc.

Jc 💁 : "it's cold downtown wear something for warmerish"

Me : "lol okay see you soon"

I then pick out my outfit. I chose a red and black flannel, some dark wash skinny jeans with rips, black flats, and I also used my Tory Burch black bag. I threw my straight into a little side bun thingy then grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket. I ran downstairs and got into my car driving to the house.

"Heyyyy!" Kian says opening the door.

"Hey!" I smile bringing him into a hug even though he's like 7'9..

I walk inside and see Connor.

"Connor!" I run to him.

We hug then I walk over to Ricky and smile as he plays his Pokemon games. I then walk upstairs where the bedrooms are and see Trevor's door open so I walk inside, he's making a YouTube video.

"Trevor!" I laugh

"This guys is my biotch Ellie also known as Cameron Dallas' sister.." he says as I walk into the screen.

"Now go" he pushes me away and I leave laughing.

After Trevor I walk to Sam Pottorffs room and see him laying in bed with a bag of chips on his laptop.

"Whatcha doin?" I ask running up to him.

"The walking dead" He says biting a chip.

"Fun.." I laugh

I then lastly walk into Jc's room. He's playing with Wishbone. I laugh as Wishbone runs up to me and he turns to me.

"Oh hey" I smile.

"Hey, You look beautiful" he says standing up.

"Thank you Jc you look great" I smile.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yeah" I say as we walk downstairs and Wishbone follows.

"Feed Wishbone in like an hour Kian" Jc says grabbing his keys.

"Ok" he says as he sets up lighting.

We leave and I get into Jc's car after he closes the door and walks to the other side pulling out of the driveway.

We end up going downtown to a place called Lemonade.

"I'll have a raspberry lemonade and a chocolate macaroon" I smile pulling out my credit card.

"That's $10.47 please" a teen smiles.

Before I can give her my card Jc puts his on her hand and smiles.

"Jc" I say.

"It's fine" he smiles.

"Ugh.. thanks" I smile sipping my lemonade as we sit outside.

"So how's life?" Jc asks as he eats his macaroon.

"Pretty good how bout you?" I ask.

"Good" he smiles.

After that we walk down to the beach and talk about life problems then walk back to the car.

"Thanks for having lunch or breakfast with me" Jc smiles.

"No problem! Dude anytime" I smile.

He pulls up to the house and we get out.

"We should film a video!" I laugh closing the door.

"Yeah let's do it" he says laughing.

We both walk inside and see Kian about to jump into the pool for a video.

"WAIT KIAN!" Jc yells and runs outside.

He looks.

Jc runs up and laughs.

"Ok so here's me jumping in cold wa-"

Jc then pushed him into the water laughing as I walk outside laughing also.

"It's so cold!!" he says jumping out.

We laugh then Jc sets up in his room while we sit on his bed.

"Hey guys Jc here" Jc says uncovering his hands from the camera.

"I'm here with" he points to me.

"Ellie! Aka Cameron Dallas' sister" I smile waving at the camera.

The video was a simple Q&A so after I just said my byes and left. I decided to go to Starbucks for me and Nikki. I ordered our drinks and drove home, it's about 4:30 now.

"Nikki!" I yell walking inside.

"Hey!" she runs downstairs.

"Your drink" I smirk handing it to her.

"Thanks" she hugs me.

"Mmmhh" I say sipping my drink.

"Where were you anyways?" She asks as I sit on the couch with her.

"Jc took me out" I smile.

"Oh cool!" she smiles as we decide on pizza for dinner.

"We'll the guys will eat it too so 4" She says as I dial the number to Papa Johns.

"Hi can I order 4 cheese pizzas?" I ask.

"Alright no problem" I say then hang up.

"It's gunna be like 30 mins" I say to Nikki as Matt walks in and I run to him as I wrap my legs around him and kiss him over and over.

"Hi baby" he kisses back.

"Hi! I ordered pizza!" I smile as he laughs.

The pizza came shortly and we are then all just went to sleep tired.

Hope you enjoyed! one more chapter! 🙆

Obsessed // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now