Chapter 20

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I wake up and feel an annoyed side of me come out. My alarm. I turn to see it's Monday and schools supposed to start. Without getting out of bed I check my phone, Instagram, Twitter, snapchat, and email.

"To: District 24

Hello students of district 24, school will be canceled for the next 2 weeks due to teacher timing. Have a great rest of the summer and we'll see you in 2 weeks! 🌴

- district manager"

I laugh and lock my phone turning around wrapping my arms on Matt falling asleep once again.

"Ellie!! GET UP!" I hear someone scream as me and Matt open our eyes annoyed.

"What?" I snap at Nikki.

"WERE LATE FOR SCHOOL" She yells at my face.

"It got canceled for 2 weeks" I turn around and Matt sighs in relief.

"Thanks. Now I'm awake" she walks out of my room angry and I realize I won't be able to fall asleep again now.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom turning on the shower then brushing my teeth walking out.

I walk back to my room and notice a new text.

"From- Unknown

Stay away from Matt.


I brush it off my shoulder expecting it to be a crazy fan.

"Awake huh?" I ask opening my door to sleepy Matt.

"Yeah I guess" he smiles.

I smile and walk to Nikki's room.

"Hey wanna go out today?" I ask walking in to see her and Taylor watching TV in bed.

"Yeah lemme get dressed and shit" she replies smiling.

"Kay" I leave as Cameron stops me in the hall way.

"Mom called and she's gunna be gone for 5 months for buisness. She stopped here this morning to pack and left." he says.

"Really?" I scrunch my nose.

"Yeah" he rolls his eyes and walks to the bathroom.

I walk to my dresser and change into as white tee-shirt saying "teenage dirtbag" in black lettering, a black skater skirt, my black Converse all star, and lastly my black ombrè fading IPhone case.

I curled my hair like always and then for makeup I did liquid eyeliner, mascara, and pink lipstick.

I was scrolling through Twitter retweeting and following some fans then tweeted after a lifetime of not.

"About to go out with @niikkiicx for lunch and whatnot ☺️🙈"

I then walk to Nikki's room to see her applying lipgloss then stand up to leave.

"Ready?" I ask her.

She smiles then nods.

"Yep. By Taylor I love you" she kisses Taylor then we walk downstairs.

"We're going out! Be back later!" I say and grab my keys to drive.

I get in the car, turning it on then scroll through songs and find "Bang Bang" by Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj, and Jessie J and play it.

"Yessss!" Nikki screams.

I laugh and back out of the driveway driving downtown.

"BLACK AND YELLOW YEAH SCREAMING THAT STUNTIN WHEN I PULL OUT THE LOT, THAT STUNTIN" Me and Nikki scream as we pull up to a red light and a car of guys pull up next to us.

"Damn" The driver bites his lip at Nikki.

"Sorry I don't do relationships" She replies smirking.

"Oh really baby?" He asks as all the guys go "AHHHH" in the back.

"He wants to race" I smirk getting ready for the light to turn green which it does.

He's in the lead at first but then me and Nikki speed up singing and she flicks the driver off. We pull up next to them as they go in the right turning lane.

"I see how it is babe" he says smiling with his lip piercing.

"I'm hard to get" Nikki smiles and they turn right.

"ZAYUM GIRL" I laugh at her.

The laughs and we park downtown.

"Let's go to the movies!!" Nikki skips on the sidewalk.

"See what?" I ask confused.

"The fault in our stars?"

"Alright" I smile.

We buy our tickets then pick our seats at the very top to throw popcorn at people.

The movie starts and a couple is in front of us making out.

Nikki laughs pointing to them silently then we both throw popcorn at them and they pull apart annoyed.

Half way through they start again and Nikki gets pissed this time. She stands up and dumps her whole large popcorn and screams, "GET A ROOM" and then I stand up laughing leaving with her.

"Ugh. They are so sick! she yells as we leave.

"I love you" I laugh at her.

"I need frozen yogurt now" she says annoyed.

"Deal." I say as we walk to Yogurtland.

We get our yogurt and go back our car to drive home. It was around 6 o'clock and I thought Cameron was supposed to be home but all lights were off when we got home.

Me and Nikki sit in my room and eat a bunch of food.

"Hi can I order two cheese pizzas?" I ask calling Papa Johns.

"Alright yeah" I hang up.

"Pizza coming?" she asks and I nod as another episode of "Teen Mom 2" comes on again.

"What if that was us?" I ask pointing to the screen eating a Warhead.

"It's not and won't be" Nikki says laughing.

The doorbell rang and we jumped up to answer it.

"Two cheese pizzas?" He asks laughing.

"Nikki money?" I ask.

"Yeah here" she gives me a $20 bill which I give to him and he gives me change back.

"Thanks have a good night" I take the pizza and notice there's a number on the box.

"Nikki I think it's for you" I laugh.

"Uh no. He was ugly!" she laughs and we eat the pizza.

At around 1:30 we go to bed tired and full. Nikki started snoring as soon as her pillow hit the floor but me on the other hand couldnt. I was thinking about the text all night. I was trying to just think good things until I hear a knock on my window.


"Nikki!" I whisper yell shaking her after the millionth time she wakes up.

"What?" she asks sitting up.

"Someone knocked at the window" I point to it scared.

"Ellie.." she stands up and opens the curtain to see nobody.

"No ones there" she sighs and falls back in bed.

"Ok. I guess I'm just paranoid" I say as Nikki shakes her head yes.

I then try to think of Matt which helps me fall asleep.


Ily guys thanks for reading 😘💕

Obsessed // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now