Chapter 37

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"Ellie baby wake up" I hear a voice.

"No" I moan and turn over.

"Baby we gotta go" I hear the voice again. I groan and sit up to see Nash.

"Hi" I force a smile.

"Everyone left for breakfast but you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up" Nash smiles laying with me.

"I'm tired" I snuggle Nash.

"I bet babe" he kisses me.

I soon fall asleep once again until I'm awoken by a shower turning on, I get out of bed and check the time to see it's 11. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror, I had black circles under my eyes, my face was white and I was tired. I then got a call and left te bathroom.

"Uh hello?" I ask.

"Ellie! What happened last night?" I recognize Bart.

"We went out.." I say rubbing my eyes.

"Where?!" he yells.

"Calm down jeez. We went to a club" I say annoyed.

"Well everyone seems hung over so Magcons canceled today" Bart says and I nod tiredly.

"Ok" I reply. I then hang up and lay back in bed feeling tired and bloated..until a half naked Nash came out.

"Woah" I laugh.

"What?" He smirks coming up to me.

"I don't know those and are making me thirsty" I laugh.

He puts on a shirt and boxers then a pair of gym shorts and laid in bed with me for a while until we heard the door bust open.

"Nash?!" I hear a voice scream. I look over and see Nikki and laugh.

"I'm tired leave." I say and Nash snuggles closer.

"Oh it's a snuggle fest huh?" Nikki says.

"Mmhmm" Nash says kissing my cheek.

"I ship you guys" Nikki laughs laughing then leaves. I fall asleep again. I then wake up later around 3 and feel like shit. I stand up and walk to the bathroom, I see I look horrible so I walk to Nikki's room. I see her and Taylor watching TV in bed.

"Nikki" I say.

"Yeah?" She looks over.

"I need you" i say and close the door waiting for you.

"What's wrong?" She comes out with her phone and keys to the rental car from last night.

"I don't feel right" I say and look away.

She sighs and we walk downstairs and drive to the hospital. I feel nervous as we walk into a room and I lay on a bed. A nurse comes in she looks sweet and young.

"Hello Ms. Dallas how are you?" She asks.

"Okay, I've been feeling very tired and like bloated lately and I'm supposed to me "pregnant" but I haven't seen a change" I say.

"Yes I see" She frowns.

"Yeah" I say.

"I'll take some tests" She says and I nod as she writes things down and leaves. She comes back later.

"So.. Im not sure who you spoke with last but your not having a baby with Hayes Grier, as a matter of fact you were never pregnant." She starts.

"Ok" I say but she cuts me off.

"But now you are, and this isn't Hayes Griers child.. This is Nash Griers baby" She says and I look shocked.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Yes very" She says.

"No your wrong, let me see" Nikki says.

"I'm afraid you cant" She says

"Ok thank you very much" I say and stand up with Nikki to leave. She drives back in silence until she pulls in the Starbucks lot.

"Let's talk about this" We sit at a table after ordering drinks.

"I had sex with Matt, Hayes and Nash. I thought it was Hayes' baby but now it's Nash's?! How will I brake up with him to even tell him?!" I say.

"Say to him 'Hayes, it's not our baby.. me and Nash fooled around and it's his' it's simple" I nod and we talk more. We drive to the hotel and I walk to Hayes room.

"Hey Hayes can you talk?" I ask as I see no ones in there.

"Yeah sure" he stands up.

"Look, Hayes I know you thought it was your baby but it's not.. me and Nash fooled around the other night and it's not your baby it's Nash's baby I'm really sorry to tell you Hayes but I can't do this anymore I can't" I say to him and see his expression fall.

"You had sex with my brother?" He looks away.

"Yes but I mean your 14 and I'm 17" I say looking down at my wrist.

"Ok" He looks up smiling.

"Ok what?"

"Ellie I will always love you no matter what but I'm happy for you and Nash. As long as you don't have sex infront of me" He laughs.

"No promises" I smirk. We hug and I walk to my room.

"Baby here were you?" Nash asks me.

"Nash. I'm not pregnant with Hayes baby. I'm pregnant with yours" I say.

"Your pregnant with my baby" He smiles.

"Yeah" I smile and we hug so tightly.

"I'm so happy!" he kisses me.

We leave to tell everyone and they all congratulate me then we Skype my mom and tell her and my dad then me and Nash lay in bed all night cuddling and kissing together.

Who else thought she would end up with Hayes? 😂 sorry it's short but I've been busy lately with homework..

Obsessed // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now