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Midoriya POV

I looked down at Bakugou, helpless. He was crouching on the floor, one of my hand daggers lodged into his neck. He was choking and spluttering, blood slowly being coughed out of his mouth. I smiled at him menacingly, he was wheezing, trying to get the oxygen back into his lungs. His minions stood along side him and I looked up at them, sadly I couldn't see their fearful expressions, so I turned my quirk off.

I let the blood be absorbed back into my body and poor Kacchan fell to the floor, blood leaking out of his neck. I looked at his minions, who now had fearful expressions on their faces, they looked mortified, yet they still stood in a battle stance.

"HA! YOU LOOK TERRIFIED!" I let my quirk take over me again. But there was a new rush. A new excitement fuelling me. I felt like I was flying, laughing uncontrollably. I sprinted towards them and aimed for their Jugulars. They died immediately. I looked back at Kacchan, I could tell he was dying, it was going to be slow and painful, but no. He couldn't die yet. If I get into UA I can kill him then...

(btw Midoriya healed Bakugou and he stopped bullying him)

When I first entered the arena I was a bit confused. How am I going to use my quirk here? I started to think how it could be beneficial but then it hit me, iron appliances would ways shake around me, then maybe...can I control iron too?

As we entered the large city area, it was quickly overrun with huge robots trying to attack us. I tried out my quirk.

I activated it and felt the other eye turn, I always have a weird sensation, like a cold burning feeling when my eye turns and it's been getting worse. I ignored the feeling and looked at a bot towards me. Since my vision only turns violet when wanting to take someone's blood, I could still see in full colour. I slowly walked towards it and laughed. Some student was running towards it trying to take my point. But I wasn't going to let that happen.

With one move my blood sword was brought out and I nicked their arm.

"Ow! What the hell!"

"Sorry! I didn't realise what I was doing!" I put on my best sorrowful expression and gave her a sad smile.

"N-no I guess it's okay."

"Okay!" Then with my eyes still on her, I scrunched my hand into a ball and could see her expression change into fear.

Third Person POV

as Midoriya made his hand into a fist, he had gotten control on the bot, being mostly made of iron- he crushed it easily. The unknown girl turned her head towards the bot, and after seeing what he had done, she was instantly terrified.

When she turned back towards him he was gone.

Midoriya POV

Whilst she was distracted I ran off looking for more bots. It's strange, having this feeling of power.


I was now up to 87 points. When this giant robot comes out of no where. The others run off terrified by the sight. But I see that girl who tried to take my point. Look at her, she looks like she about to get crushed. I've seen her use her quirk, she was nice to me and if I want to fit in at UA I have to have friends, she'll do.

I turn towards her and stop the bot, focusing all my energy on crushing it. I succeed, and grab her from the rubble that was trapping her.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, thanks for saving me..."

She looks down as if embarrassed. She's weak. I could help with that.

A few weeks later and I get a letter in the mail. It has a hologram disc and it says I got in. Sure I'm happy but oh well. The first day was pretty nerve wracking but I didn't care. When I arrived others starting explaining their quirks, then it was my turn.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya and my quirk is Blood Manipulation, however I can control iron as well. My favourite food is Katsudon and my favourite colour is Green.

It's not even 5 seconds before I hear the murmurs. Saying how I've 'got a villainous quirk' and 'what if I'm dangerous'. All of that bullshit.

The son of the No. 2 hero Endeavour is here. He also has different coloured eyes, but not a villainous quirk. Lucky for him.

I'm talking to others, acting nice but I don't know how long I can take it. When I was 10 and first got my quirk, there was this little voice in the back of my head. But now. I am that voice, the shell of who I once was is gone. I don't care for others, and I can find ways to kill people easily.

We were doing some work sheets and I smelt blood. I could tell as there was a large build up, the metallic scent was killing me. I guess jolting my head up got Todoroki's attention because he called my name.

"Midoriya are you oka-"

"Shh, I'm focusing. Something is... wrong." He gives me a confused look and I activate my quirk, looking for the thick source of blood. I can hear Todoroki murmur something but I take no notice.

Then I spot it. A large build up of blood in someone's coronary artery, turning the violet vision off, I can see it's Kaminari. I get out of my seat and walk towards him.


"Hm?" He turns to face me and is startled by how close I am.

"You have an unhealthy build up of blood in your coronary artery. You are going to have a heart attack because of this clot. I suggest you go to the nurse right now, or I will physically drain the blood from your heart. Can't have you dying on the first day can we now?" He gulps loudly and I can hear his heart rate increase dramatically.

"Stop getting so scared, your heart is working harder and your clot will get bigger."

Just as he nods and stands up and takes two steps he falls down.

"CALLED IT." I smile and laugh unknowingly. Everyone turns their heads to look at me.

"OMG IS KAMINARI OKAY?!" Momo yells, rather loudly. Concern lacing her voice.

"No, he's not. He's having a heart attack."


"He'll be dead by the time he gets to the nurse, I'll have to remove the blood clot myself." My voice remains monotonous, matching my calming expression on my face.


"Blood manipulation is my quirk dumbass." I give Mineta a death glare because he's really stupid.

I activate my quirk and I can see the blood clot, it glows a darker crimson that usual. Everyone's voices is muffled, all I'm focusing on is Kaminari's blood. I hold my hand over his heart and feel the blood as it struggles to find its way through his body. Because it's a it I'll have to try harder, if he dies, I'll be blamed for his death. So I focus and break the clot, feeling at the warm liquid seeps out of his body, onto my fingers, hand and arm, climbing up it like vines desperate for sunlight. Once I remove the clot I can see the blood moving again, flowing safely. He will have to have the fatty residue removed, but he should be okay.

Once done I feel for a pulse and it's there.

"His heart is beating." I lookup at everyone. Half the class are giving me disgusted expressions, whilst the other half are congratulating me. They glance at my fore and upper arm and see the blood swimming around it.

"Um, right, sorry." I quickly absorb it and feel a rush of adrenaline. This time is feels sweet and warming. I guess he has the same blood type as me?

I them carry him to the nurse and update her. Everything seems okay. For now.

1383 words


Don't be mad if there are any mistakes, I haven't edited this and it's late. And I'm TIRED.

K bye

Release 10/12/18

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