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Hey guys, just wanted to start of this chapter with thanking you all. It's been over two whole years (wtf) since I started writing this story and stuff has changed a lot for me and for the world.

I've started college and I know my uploading schedule is already trash lmao- but I don't know how often I'll be able to update and write this story.

I don't even know what the endgame will be.

To help actually ✨finish✨ or have a drive I would like to hear from you guys- what kind of stuff do you want to see? The sky's the limit, it's fiction :)

Thank you again, I hope you enjoy this chapter (I'm trying I swEar)

See you in the next one <3


Todoroki woke up with a heavy heart that morning. His dreams plagued with Izuku in that cell, being treated like an animal, but the one thing that messed with him most was the look on Nezus face.

There was no remorse or compassion, more of a glint in his eye. He was confused. Confused and upset. The image of Izuku's apologetic face forever burnt into his mind, repeating over and over.

He rolls over and raised his hand to the ceiling, he stares at his hand and thinks about how his fingers still remember the texture of sweat and grime on Izuku's face. And the sweet solemn look he gave him, and the fear.

Shoto was scared, he didn't have a plan, he'd almost lost hope- he thought seeing Izuku again might reignite this flame inside him that came up with plans and make him think, thinking too much was all he did nowadays. But now it really mattered, and he had nothing.

What he was sure of, what that he didnt trust the heroes as much as he used to.

"It's all organised crime and coverups." He mumbled to himself.

"How long-"

Shoto jumped so much that his ice instinctively shot towards the door, raggidy breaths and a pounding heartbeat fill his ears as he looks and focuses on who's at the door.

"WHAT ARE YOU 5?? Jeez." Natsuo rubs the back of his head and leans back onto the door frame.

Shot just states willing his heart to calm and his breathing to settle. Sweat accumulates on his forehead.

"What I was saying," he pauses and looks towards the shard of ice stuck in the wall "before I was so rudely interrupted, was his long are you going to stare at your hand you emo weirdo." Natsuo smirks and waits for a reaction from Shoto.

"Is that all?" His gruff morning voice still a little shaky from the sudden rush of adrenaline.

"...no," he starts to walk away and turns away from Shoto waving behind him "Fuyumi said breakfast was ready, so get your lazy ass downstairs before I eat your food." A smirk evident in his tone, Shoto sighed and plopped back down on his bed.

He didn't have an appetite, but he didn't want to worry his sister, so he stood up and started heading for the stairs when a sudden thought passed through his mind.

break izuku out

He didn't know what to think anymore.


Izuku was starting to feel afraid. He thought that being in the prison would be safe, and maybe allow people to trust him. But every time Nezu came in to see him, he could always sense a little more malice from his words- a more common distasteful look pass over his face. It always occured when Nezu came in to release the chains and allow him out onto the prison ground- he had sensed a frequency that was emitted from the surrounding area, once you exited the building onto the outside common grounds, he later found out that it cancelled quirks, most likely to keep prisoners in line but allow them some form of freedom. There were only 4 inmates allowed outside time including himself,, and Izuku guessed that Shoto had had some words with Nezu to allow him out.

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