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Shoto woke up and stared at the ceiling.

It had already been three months, and a half, and he still wasn't given clearance to see Izuku.

From what little information he was given, he knew that Izuku was recieving therapy and was given permission to remove the immobilising restraints for one hour each day.

Nezu had informed him that Izuku asked for Shoto every day. He was not hostile in anyway. It was almost as if his old personality was back, as if he was the same sweet boy he always was.

It's only when night arrives that people get uneasy, they often hear Izuku talking to himself, or rather Cain and Abel who reside in his head- deriving from his demon gene undoubtedly.

Shoto breathed out a heavy sigh, he hadn't been able to sleep right ever since he left Izuku in that prison.

All he sees when he sleeps is the moment Izuku was being walked into that place and the sad sorrowful look he gave him before turning his head away. He was told that Izuku didn't even scream when the knife was removed.

Every so often his wings and thorns with sprout from his body, they find it only happens on the second week of the month on a Tuesday, probably to keep his demon abilities at bay.

Even now, when they sprout blood still leaks from the wounds and his bones still crack, but he doesn't scream and he doesn't cry, even when the eyes change colour which he knows hurts him. He saw it first hand.

Izuku never leaves his thoughts. He closes his eyes once again and thinks of the boy, his soft green hair and gentle smile. He misses that side and hopes he can see it again.

The ringing of a phone broke his thought process, it came muffled from the walls and he could hear his sister talking, he could only make a few words.

He could hear her footsteps edging closer to his room before she knocked on the door, three gentle thuds whilst still talking She walked in and looked at the freshly woken up boy before handing him the phone.

"It's Nezu, he says it's about Midoriya." She said.

Nezu talking to him directly? About Izuku? This must be really important. He could feel excitement bubbling up inside him as he reached for the phone, but what if it was bad news? What if he was being executed? What if he wasn't allowed to see Izuku ever again? What if-

"Todoroki?" He inhaled deeply to calm himself down.

"Uh yes good morning Principal Nezu what can I do for you?" He said trying to sound calm.

"Right good morning Todoroki, I've called you to tell you that you have clearance to visit Izuku Midoriya-"

"Really? When can I see him? Is today alright?" His response was quick and his tone was desperate.

"Todoroki, let me finish." He silenced himself. "Yes you can come and visit him today, we will be visiting him in his room, I will be waiting at the gates for your arrival at 2pm."

Shoto glanced at the clock beside him, the glowing numbers reading 10:23am.

"Okay sir, thank you so much for this opportunity, I look forward to seeing you." Trying to hide the excitement from his voice he could feel a smile break out across his face.

"And you aswell, good day."

"Good day to you too sir." He hung up and screamed into his pillow with excitement before regaining his composure.

I'll finally be able to see him again.

"I'm going to guess that you're excited." Fuyumi's eyes fixed on Shoto from the doorway, he froze at the sound of his sister's voice before clearing his throat and handing her the phone.

"Maybe yes."

She smirked at him before taking the phone and telling him that breakfast would be ready in 10 minutes.


He waited for what felt like days for 2pm to finally roll around, and yet here he was in the car at 1:56pm edging closer and closer to the detention centre.

As soon as the car stopped he thanked the driver before exiting quickly and speed walking towards the entrance.

Nezu was waiting for him at the gates like he said.

"Hello Todoroki." He nodded at his arrival.

"Principal Nezu." He made sure his tone was stern as he looked intently towards the doors leering overhead.

One phrase lingered in his head. The promise he himself made over three months prior.

I'll find a way to save you Izuku.

763 words

Slightly shorter chapter but j thought this would be a good catch up chapter lmao

And it's my birthday tomorrow homies I'm hella excited nglll (it means imma be making BANK AHAHAAH)

My friend made me this amazing video but I can't add it rip 😔✊

See you in the next one :D


Release 13/06/20

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