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Midoriya POV

I guess I really am going insane. Dabi couldn't see the thing that was there.

Also, what happened to me? My skin isn't normal. I don't really feel the same. Probably due to that minor power surge I had. I don't like it.

I feel warm. Like the sun. I haven't felt this serene in a while. I feel like just laying here. But I can't. Ughhhhhhhhh kill me now.

I open my eyes and see...trees? I have no idea where I went after I teleported. For all I know, I could be in a whole other country. Well shit I'm a dumbass, I need to teleport back but I feel so fucking TIRED.

I decide to sit up and immediately feel a jolt of pain traverse around my limbs. Wincing at the sudden feeling, I glance towards my body and notice numerous cuts and bruises littered sporadically. What the actual fuck? Did I teleport in the sky and fall to the ground or some shit?

Oh fuck.

I'm laying in my own blood.

"How much damage did I do?" I whisper to myself, voice hoarse and painful.

I'm too exhausted, so using biokenisis won't do shit. Fuck.

My clothes are all ripped and covered in dead leaves and dirt. I look like a mess. But something feels off. Like my body is wrong. Wait, my arms are longer and my skin looks...darker? I'm probably just seeing things again, my vision probably got temporarily damaged due to me, hitting my head when I fell. I reach for my head and it feeels hot and sticky. Definitely blood.

I manage to get to my feet, but immediately feel light headed and nauseous. Concussion, great.

But I have to be careful in case someone recognises me.

Leaning on the tress for support after calming down, I start walking towards the edge of the forest towards civilisation. But I feel...so...so...tired. Concussions suCK.

Soon my vision turns blurry, the throbbing of my heart is the only thing I can hear and feel before I pass out. Guess I'll die here. Not like anyone cared for me anyway.

---------Time Skip---------

I wake up with my head throbbing in pain (again). I'm in some sort of bed in what looks like a hospital room? Pale white walls and blinding lights surround me. I've always hated hospitals...too clean and sterile. No colour...no life.

I bring my arm up to my head, as if rubbing it will make it better, but instead I don't find my mop of curly hair. My eyes travel around the room and to the window to the left of me. I don't recognise the figure looking back at me...but I can't see myself clearly.

My skin is a warmer colour than the usual milky white, my hair is no longer the blend between red and green, but now is a light ashy grey colour, the tips stained blue, it is not messy or curly either, but instead a spiky mess like Kaccha- Bakugou. My face is still littered with freckles but my eyes....my eyes are the things that changed the most. A bright and striking prussian blue, glowing in the reflection of the glass. Mesmerising. Are these mine? I reach out to touch my face and that's when I get a shock. My electricity...it's blue now. Just as that moment someone enters the room.

"Ah, you're up. Are you okay? Do you remember anything?"

I turn towards her still dazed and confused.


Okay, keep calm. Answer properly.

"I guess I'm okay...but I don't really know what happened."

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