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Midoriya POV

It happens so suddenly. Like a knife ripping through flesh. With one final scream, it happens. At first I just feel the wet liquid drip down my face and back. I stand up from the floor and immediately lose balance, I fall into Dabi for support, then I look at him.

"What?" I feel so out of breath.

"You should look in a mirror."

Confused by what he said, I go walk a few steps forwards and feel something heavy on my back. I look behind me to see two huge bat-like wings protruding from my back as well as a tail.


"Well this was unexpected, I guess you're part demon."


(guess I like over powering my characters XD)

I stand looking at my wings for what feels like hours. How...?

"You most likely got it from a dormant or recessive gene. Often enough, both parents can have the DX gene, it lays dormant and if met with the DX3 gene it creates a..you, but you have to be a descendant of an original demon to gain the abilities."

"How do you know this?" I reach out and touch the small horns on my head."

"I like reading."

"Okay then..."

I head out the room, but my wings are a little too big. Go down.... I'm trying and wishing for my wings to go down, Dabi can clearly see I'm struggling and finds it amusing.

"Kid, try not thinking so hard. Just let it happen.." he gives me a sympathetic look to which I frown at.

But surely enough, it works. The wings go down and reach to my ankles. As I get up to the bar, everyone is looking at me.

Shigaraki just stares and Kurogiri stops cleaning to assess my new look.

"Where's To-"


I get caught off by a rather loud scream. Instantly I jump out of shock and appear... in the basement.

I land with a thud.


Dabi runs into the room, a shocked expression on his face.

"Did you just teleport?"

"I DONT KNOW MAYBE?!" I was stood shocked at how I got down here. Am I really a descendant of a demon? If so, do I have their abilities??

"Hey Dabi, if I show certain traits of a demon, would you be able to identify which one is could possibly be a descendant from?"

"I guess so...but since you don't have a handle on them, we could treat it like a quirk."

"Okay. Well. I'm going to go to bed because I'm really fuck exhausted after finding out I'm a demon, you know regular daily shit."

"Understandable. Good night."

"Night!" I waved to Dabi as I exited the room, again. It's going to be really uncomfortable sleeping with these wings... As I get into my room I start to feel relaxed. I walk over to the mirror to look at my new complexion. I can still switch to my heterochromatic eyes, with some small horns protruding from my head and dark black wings with a mix of purple and red tint approximately 7 metres in length each side. I can feel my heart rate decrease as I take slow and short breaths. Eventually I calm down, and the demon looking appearance disappears in a flurry of smoke. Weird. I touch the base of where wings use to be and nothing has changed, except there are two small lumps that you would only notice if you were looking for them.


The next day was hectic. These new found 'abilities' were going out of control. The usual things haopened in the morning, Toga barging into my room bothering me and talking about something I wasn't paying attention to. Except this time she was a little, handsy.

Sue lay her hand into my chest and started leaning in.

"You know Izuku-"

"Stop it now."

"Stop what?" She asked curiously and innocently smiled.

I grabbed her arm with force. "This."

She shook her head and her smile grew wider.

"GET OFF!" Midoriya pushed her off him, but she vanished. He got up from his bed to see nothing.


Third Person POV

After Midoriya threw Toga with force off of him, she was apported to the bar. She appeared suddenly from a metallic blue and black looking liquid, much like when Midoriya teleportats.

"What the fuck?!" Dabi turned to see Toga sitting on the floor, a growing frustrated look on her face as she screamed in confusion.

"How in the hell did you get here?"

"I was talking to Izuku when he pushed me and I ended up here!!"

The colour drained from Dabi's already pale face.

"It's started."

808 words

Sory this one is so short...I have ideas of what to do for the next one, but I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger because clearly I love annoying my readers XD

See you nerds in 3 days

Release 1/01/19
Fricking rewrite 26/10/19

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