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So he stood and he waited, the warmth of the setting sun beating onto his back, spreading like wildfire in his body. Relaxing the muscles that were so incredibly tense.

He spent the next few days training, understanding his abilities, always on edge, but admiring his stance in life.

He had a vague idea about what had transpired in the past weeks. Often coming to haunt him through memories and dreams.

Izuku stood beside the small stream that shone in the early sun, bending over he gathered some of the icy liquid in his palms before drinking it. The taste was earthy but soothing. Picking up a clump of moss he dunked it under the water and proceeded to wash his body, cleansing the dirt and grime he accumulated from the earlier exercise he had completed. The hairs on his back stood and tingled as he was aware of something- someone behind him.

'Come on, he's around here somewhere, we didn't use that tracker for nothing.'

Todoroki stood staring at the boy, his muscles refined and tanned.. Shoto eyed his back as the muscles worked an stretched whilst Deku threw on his shirt, no evidence of the injuries he sustained previously. Hiding next to a tall tree surrounded by shrubbery he planned to move forward and talk to him, without any hostile activity.

Without a second to spare, a quick small blade came hurtling towards Shotos face and dealt him a small cut that grazed his cheek, too fast for him to even defend himself.

Todoroki tore his eyes away from the blade sticking from the tree and instead looked towards Izuku, eye contact instantly met. Izuku looked back at Todoroki, his stare was full of fury, but softened as his face replicated a look of endearment.

"Shoto." his voice was gentle as it carried into the wind. He moved forwards towards the familiar boy.

The air stiffened and cooled considerably, but there was a moment of hesitation.

Shoto moved his hand towards the blade as he pulled it from the tree.

"Aizawa almost died." Shoto said, twirling the blade between his fingers.

Shoto stepped forwards slightly, his aura was conflicted as he moved his eyes towards Izuku's.

"I had 4 surgeries." His eyes were dark and cold as he gripped onto the small blade.

With his voice shaking, he stepped forward once more and held Midoriya's shoulder with phenomenonal strength.

"What the fuck is going on with you?" His words were full of sorrow and anger.

Izuku paused and stared up at Shoto. He could feel an unnerving aura from Todoroki but chose to ignore it, he felt disappointed for what he did to Shoto, he wanted to apologise, he hurt the only person he ever liked.

Before Izuku could respond Shoto raised his hand, Izuku didn't even flinch, he had total trust in him.

The blade moved quickly as it made contact with Izuku's skull, sliding in with a soft crunch.

His body slumped down to the ground, Shoto now holding him into a hug, before letting him lie down on his lap.

Todoroki's voice broke into a soft whisper, barely fathomable between Izuku's struggling and choking. His breathing was already slowing.

"I'm sorry, I thought we could fix you. But you're too dangerous, you've hurt too many people."

Izuku looked up at Todoroki. Sorrow filling his eyes.

"I'm- I'm sorry Shoto." Blood leaked from his head as he looked into his eyes.

Izuku moved his hand towards Shoto's face, gracing it gently.

"You know this- this won't kill me right?" His words were slurred.

He touched Izuku's hand gently. "I know, that's why we're taking you in. Where you can't hurt any more people."

Todoroki was left looking into Izuku's eyes, they truly were full of sadness.

"I don't know what happened to you, or why you are like this. But I will never stop trying, never for you Izuku."

He pulled Izuku's hand to his lips as he gently kissed his knuckles, his tears falling from his eyes obscuring his vision.

He pulled out his vibrating phone from his pocket.

"Yes, it's done. No I'm fine, I will be. The knife is in his head, don't take it out until-" he breathes in deeply trying to calm his nerves. "until you get there, he won't start healing until it's removed."

Carrying the boy out the forest, the sun shone gently as Todoroki saw Izuku's face now looking calm and at peace. Even so, there was still a slight frown.


Todoroki reached the van and placed Izuku gently on a seat inside before he sat next to him.

The six guards inside the van stared at Shoto as he comfortably handled and sat next to the 'dangerous' villain inside the vehicle, and stared at the knife in his head. He could sense that they were on edge.

He wouldn't tell anyone else, but he saw the small horns starting to protrude from his head, only noticeable if you were looking for them, as well as the slight coarse-ness of his skin where his scales would be ready to appear.

Izuku was already trying to heal. He resented himself for his actions. But it was necessary.

His thoughts drifted back to the forest. He sensed something had changed, it didn't take much brain power to realise what had happened. Izuku had supressed the demon. Even so, he was still unpredictable, his own opinions on Izuku weren't enough to change anyone elses, not with all the evidence of his past and recent actions.

He could sense the guards and police inside the van were wary, not sitting anywhere near Izuku, even holding temporary quirk cancelling guns (only necessary for dangerous villains).

Shoto lightly smiled at this thought, knowing it wouldn't do anything against his demon side.

As he thought this, he felt uneasy himself, looking to his side he noticed a sly eye.

Izuku's body slumped over, blood leaking from his head, his eyes slightly open, looking at Todoroki. They were softer looking, the red seemed to glow, even with the purple flecks. The demon slit running down the iris was thin despite the lighting. He moved his hand onto Izuku's soft heair and leant his head onto his own chest, it was warm, the blood started to soak through his white shirt, but he didn't mind. He knew Izuku was immobilised, even so, he felt those eyes watching him.

His warm vanilla scent was still strong, he felt peaceful having Izuku's head lean against his like he always wanted. He didn't know how long it would be until he could do it again, or how long it would be until he could see Izuku again.

He wouldn't stop trying however.

I'll find a way to save you Izuku.

1131 words


Funnily enough I actually have a direction for this now :0

Any of you want a face reveal or smth

Hoped you enjoyed this one :P

Later nerds


Release 4/05/20
Edit 18/05/20
Edit (2) 16/06/20

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