Chapter Seventeen

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She came back in a few minutes later, setting down a bottle of water. As she started walking out my phone began to ring. My heart leapt, I knew it was probably Jared wondering where I was. She picked it up, looking at it and waiting for it to stop. "Tom, mmm was he the dinner date, wanting to keep the night going?" she said looking at me questioningly. I didn't answer I just stared at her, I wasn't giving her anything. She rolled her eyes at my silence. A minute or two later it started ringing again. "Jared" she said, a frown marring her face, my heart started thumping madly in my chest. She waited for it to stop ringing. "He probably thinks you've snuck off with your date" she said with a satisfied smile, "I can't wait to ring him and hear his voice, I love his voice" she said with a smile, I cringed wanting to scream at her. "Oh I've got an idea!" she said laughing at her own brilliance. She started to tap away on my phone and I heard a message zoom off. "Now he won't bother ringing again" she laughed, "what did you do?" I asked panicking, "I messaged him, told him you'd gone home with your friend don't bother waiting up" she laughed again, switching the phone to silent and leaving it on the coffee table. "You'd better try and get some rest, you've got a big day ahead of you" she said sauntering out, turning off the light on the way. I watched as the phone lit up in the darkness again, probably Jared ringing again, wanting an explanation. I wanted to scream in frustration, there was no way I could get to it where she had left it. I lay my head on the arm rest praying for this nightmare to end. I must have dozed off, because I woke up disoriented for a moment wondering where I was, then I remembered. It wasn't a nightmare it was real and fear gripped my heart again. It was still dark and a quick glance at a clock nearby told me it was 5.30 in the morning. I tried again, without any success to get my hand out of the cuffs, it was tight and there was no way it was coming off. I rested my head trying to keep calm and praying for help. Jared must be frantic, I thought with dismay, or maybe he did believe the message and think I had left and gone with Tom. Perhaps he was so angry at the idea that he wouldn't bother looking for me until it was too late. I shook my head at the thought, surely he'd know there was something amiss. I wish that we had made up properly, my only consolation was that we had kissed and I think he knew from my text that I wanted to make peace with him, at least I hope he knew. That last tender kiss before I left was what would stay with me. I would die and never see him or Bluebell again or the baby. A tear rolled down my cheek at the thought of never being able to see and hold my baby. I almost prayed for it to be over quickly so the thoughts of losing them wouldn't torment me. Another hour or so passed and light started filtering through the curtains. I shuddered, knowing she would be up soon fully prepared to execute her plan. I jumped as I heard a sharp knock at the door to the apartment. Who was it? The so called doctor? My heart started thumping in my chest, I tried to calm down, trying not to panic. Maybe I could make him see reason, that what he was doing was wrong? I started to cry silently again I was so afraid. I heard the knock again, louder this time. She appeared from the hallway looking half asleep and almost confused. "That must be the doctor, he's very early" she said yawning, she looked over at me and raised her eyebrows at me. "Oh good you're awake, the sooner we start the quicker it'll be over" she said with sinister grin. I looked away, my stomach turning at her expression. I sent up a last silent prayer and prepared myself for the worst.

Jared's POV -
It was almost midnight, where the fuck was she? I wanted to ring her but I didn't want her to think I was checking up on her. I waited another half an hour then I rang, fuck it. It rang out, I didn't bother leaving a message. Why wouldn't she answer? She would never ignore my call. I heard my phone signal a message, it was from Harper, I quickly slid it open - 'I'm going back 2 the hotel with Tom, dont bother wateing up 4 me, cya' I looked at it stunned, I read it through twice. What the fuck? This wasn't Harper, she never text talked and I'd never seen her make a spelling mistake the entire time I'd known her, I always called her the grammar police! I tried ringing it again, again it rang out. I knew in my heart she wouldn't be going with Tom. Fear started to twist my insides. I had a horrible feeling that something was seriously wrong, I needed to find her and fast.

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