Twenty Six

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The sun was shining brightly as I stood inside the marquee. Bluebell was spinning around watching her big skirt lift and float around her, layers and layers of blush colored floaty chiffon. Josephine, Diana, Lucy and Kate waited with me watching as Antonio, Marco and their assistants fussed over my hair and dress. "Stop spinning Blue you're making me dizzy" I said smiling at her. She stopped and looked up at me, "I look beautiful" she said proudly, I laughed, "yes you do, you're very beautiful" said Marco. Rose, our planner, appeared in the entrance, "they're waiting" she grinned excitedly. I looked around at them all and took a few deep breaths, they were all smiling at me. "Okay remember Bluebell you walk slowly in front of your mummy and toss the petals" Rose said to her, she nodded seriously, holding her little basket of rose petals. "You look beautiful Harper" said Jo kissing me, Diana and Lucy did the same and they walked out to take their seats. I took one last look in the mirror, my ivory gown, full tulle skirt and plain strapless bodice was simple but beautiful. I hadn't wanted a veil, my hair was artfully styled in a loose bun. Antonio handed me my flowers, roses, ivory like my dress. "Come on Blue, let's go see daddy" I said nervously. It had taken us just over three months of furious planning, finding the right place was the hardest part. I knew where I wanted to go, the ruins of a medieval castle, Whitehaven. It had a ruined chapel that had its altar wall still intact. But the heritage people didn't want a big Hollywood wedding there, it took some work convincing them that it would be relatively small with no press. So finally they let us use it, then organizing everything else was easy. Jared wanted everything done yesterday, he rushed around like a whirlwind until the planning was finally done. Thank goodness for Rose, our wedding planner in the UK. Our guest list was short and they were all sworn to secrecy, we had one photographer and we decided we'd release one photo. So here we were, I stepped out into the sunshine, I decided at the last moment not to bother with shoes. I loved the feeling of the lush grass under my feet, it felt silly to wear them. Bluebell began her slow walk in front of me, throwing the petals in front of her. She looked up ahead and saw Jared, she lifted her hand and waved at him excitedly. He grinned waving back at her, as I got closer everyone else faded, I could only see him. He had a simple black suit on with a white shirt, I insisted he wear no tie or bow tie and leave it open. He happily agreed, his long hair framing his face was blowing gently with the breeze. He was beautiful, my heart started to beat faster and when he smiled that smile that made me melt, I wanted to run and throw my arms around him. I looked over to see Beau in his moms arms in the front row I turned to smile at her and she beamed back at me. I arrived at the top, I handed my flowers to Bluebell who put them in her little basket. Jared held out his hands for me to take them, he squeezed them gently, smiling at me. The minister began but I was barely paying attention, I gazed at Jared completely mesmerized, he grinned at me and motioned his head when the minister asked me to answer. I snapped out of my daze and answered and then he did the same. It was finally over and I got up on my toes and he kissed me softly, his arms wrapping around my waist to pull me closer to him, deepening the kiss. "You better save that til later" said Shannon laughing, tapping him on the shoulder. I pulled away and whispered to him, "I guess we'll have to wait", he pouted jokingly and grinned. We turned back to the guests and they all started clapping and cheering. A while later after we had talked and talked with everyone there, we found a corner that was on the edge of the marquee that was the reception area, behind a half fallen stone wall and hid there. "You look beautiful" he said softly, "thank you, you're absolutely gorgeous, I wanted to jump you then and there" I said with a low whisper. "We could go find a secret spot in this old castle" he said, I giggled, "we'll never go back out there " I said with a giggle. He nodded then turned on that panty melting smile, "well I'm planning on a very long wedding night" he said in a slow sexy drawl. I shivered, desire rushing through me, I pulled him to me kissing him hard. A few moments later his hand was in my hair messing up my bun, as his tongue pushed into my mouth finding mine. We heard someone behind us clearing their throat, we separated and turned to see Rose looking embarrassed to be interrupting us. "Yes?" said Jared annoyed, I poked him and he rolled his eyes, "what is it?" he said in a more polite tone. "I'm sorry but it's time to cut the cake" she stammered quickly. "Okay we'll be there in a minute" he said turning his back on her. I saw her scuttle away, "don't be mean to her, she's already so scared of you" I said chastising him, he looked surprised. "Why?" he said, "because of all the yelling you did at her over the phone, nothing she did could please you" I said frowning at him. "Well I needed things to be done and they weren't, I didn't mean to frighten her, I'll apologize, cmon lets go do this" he said dismissing the topic and leading me back to the marquee. Bluebell was holding court with her grandma and some of my girlfriends showing off her dress and my flowers, Beau hung onto his uncles legs. As soon as he spotted us he let go and pulled at Shannon's hand to help him walk over to us, then holding up his hands to be picked up. Jared lifted him and threw him up then caught him, he did this a few times, he squealed with laughter and lifted his hands up so he'd do it again. "No more, we'll do it later" he said kissing him. He put him down and we went over to the table where the cake sat and did the whole cutting and drinking the champagne while everyone clapped. "I have to thank Antonio for forcing you to sit next to me" he said to me, everyone laughed and I smiled at him remembering that day. He talked a little more, I just stood there completely dazed by him listening and smiling. He finally started to finish, "so, the five of us would like to thank you for coming all this way we really appreciate it" he said smiling at everyone. "What do you mean five?" said his mom confused, everyone started murmuring the same thing. He grinned at me and I laughed, "baby!" he yelled laughing and pointed to my middle, he stood there laughing his head off as everyone rushed over to hug and congratulate us. I grinned shaking my head, as I was pulled away to be smothered with hugs and kisses. He made his way through the crowd back to me. Lifting me up and spinning me around, "you okay?" he said grinning madly. My arms wrapped around his neck holding him tight, I nodded smiling at him. "I'm very happy, you make me very happy" I whispered. He kissed me softly, "I love you baby" he murmured against my lips. "I love you too" I said sighing contentedly. Surprisingly thrilled to finally be what I'd always feared, his wife.

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