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I'd begged and pleaded with him to reconsider. "Please baby, don't do it, please, I'm seriously going to cry!" I said stomping my foot as he walked around me to finish getting dressed. He turned to look at me, "it's going to be fine" he said grinning. He grabbed my face kissing me. "But it's so beautiful I don't think I can bear it gone" I said sadly crossing my arms over my chest turning away from him. "Well you'll just have to, it's not the first time I've had to change" he said reasonably. "This is different ..." I said pouting. "I gotta go, I'll see you later baby, love you" he said giving me a long, soft, warm kiss, leaving me breathless. I ran my hands through his hair as he held me against him. "It's kicking, its annoyed at you as well" I said, I heard him chuckle as he let me go. He knelt in front of me caressing my growing belly, kissing it gently. "Bye little one" he said softly. I ruffled his hair, my heart bursting with love for him.   A few hours later I was in the kitchen with Talia while she was making dinner when I heard commotion. Suddenly a squeal of excitement pierced the usual noise that filled the house. Then more screams from them all, Beau came running into the kitchen. "Mama!!!! You gotta come look!!" He shouted at me. Before I could move I heard someone laughing, it was Jared .... but it wasn't. I slowly walked into the living area and did a double take gasping. There he stood in all his glory. My now larger than life green haired God. Gone were his gorgeous long ombré locks. Bluebell and Beau were jumping and running around, screaming in excitement. The twins were leaning over the back of the couch looking at him curiously. He shot them a grin and they both started giggling as he laughed loudly. A cackle that almost frightened me. Almost. Suddenly he caught sight of me, he strode over to me, almost strutting and gave me a sexy leer. He wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me in close to him, his other hand went to my throat grasping it firmly. I could hear a low rumble build in his chest and then he growled softly, "come to daddy baby". He brought me in close planting a long hard kiss on my lips. My heart flipped and felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, my breath hitched and I felt a bolt of desire shoot straight to my core. "This might be fun" I said slowly raising an eyebrow, my hand tentatively ran through his bright green hair. He leaned in next to my ear and breathed in a seductive voice, "Oh baby, the fun is just getting started!"

When the day met the night Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now