Chapter Eighteen

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As she turned the knob and opened it, she was abruptly thrown back, the door swung open and in stormed 7 or 8 police officers, guns in hand shouting at her to get on the floor. One of the officers pushing her face down onto the carpet cuffing her, effectively muffling her screams of rage. "No, no!!! You're going to ruin everything!!" she screamed lifting her head up trying to kick her way free. They pushed her back down barking at her to stay still and keep quiet, I could still hear her muffled screams, but they made no sense now. David came lumbering in from another room to find a gun pointed at his head, he joined her on the floor as well, hands quickly cuffed, unlike Michelle, he didn't put up a fight. One of the officers came over to kneel beside me, quickly removing his helmet. "Are you Harper?" he asked, I nodded, tears streaming down my face. "Its okay, you're safe now" he said smiling. He grabbed a radio from his pocket and talked into it. "The suspect and accomplice is secure" I heard a voice talking back to him, "yes, she's here, she looks okay, shaken, but okay" he said. I couldn't even speak, I was so relieved, but the shock of it all had set in and I was shivering uncontrollably. Just before they took them away, one of the officers demanded the key to the handcuffs. "It's on the kitchen bench" she snarled at him. He shook his head, "get her out of here" he said to the others. I watched as they stood them up and dragged them out of the apartment, she barely spared me a glance as she was taken away. The officer stood up and started looking around on the bench, he came back a minute later with a key. He quickly unlocked the handcuffs and I rubbed my wrist, noting the red marks. The result of my struggle to escape. I stood up slowly, but as soon as I did my legs began to shake, I didn't trust myself to walk, afraid I would fall. The officer quickly took hold of my arm gently to steady me. "Maybe sit down until you've had a chance to calm down" he said to me kindly. I nodded sitting down again. Suddenly the door swung open once more and yet another police officer walked in, right behind him was Jared, followed closely by Shannon. He spotted me immediately, "Harper!! Thank God!" I heard him shout, almost knocking the officer out of the way to run over to me. "Jared" I whispered standing up, he wrapped his arms around me, mine wrapped around his neck as he pulled me against his chest. Suddenly the flood gates really opened, sobs wracking my body as he kissed my forehead and whispered to me. "You're safe baby, it's okay" he said, stroking my hair. "She was going to take the baby, she wanted our baby" I sobbed. "No one is taking the baby, I'm here, you and the baby are safe" he said quietly, he let go and stood back looking me up and down, "are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" he said concerned. I shook my head, but he took hold of my wrist looking at it through narrowed eyes, a frown on his face. "Where's Bluebell? What if she has more people" I sobbed suddenly panicking at the thought. "She's safe, she's at home with mom and a bunch of other people, don't worry" Shannon assured me kissing my cheek and hugging me gently. I nodded gratefully. "The paramedics are downstairs, why don't we take you down there ma'am" said the officer who had come in last. Jared nodded, "Let's get you out of here" he muttered, putting an arm around my waist leading me from the room. As we emerged from the building, I paused for a moment taking in a deep breath, grateful for the fresh air and sunlight. "Come on baby, let's get you checked out" said Jared gently, I nodded silently and let him lead me straight into the waiting ambulance.

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