Chapter 2 p1

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Puck stayed up all night trying to finish Beth room and Quinn could not sleep at all thinking to her self what will she think of me,dose she know about me and Puck ,will she like us?

The next morning they were woken by there son who had climbed out of his bed and went down the hallway to Puck and Quinn's room and then jumped on there bed

Quinn: who's idea was it to give him a big boy bed

Puck: I think it was your idea if I recall

After they got up they had breakfast with there son and then fed they twin girls there bottles. They got ready to go to the child services,they got in there mini van and headed to Rachel and Jesses house to drop there kids of since they only lived 5 mins away from them. After they dropped they kids of they drove to child services

The whole way there it was dead silence in the car till they hoped out of the car.

Quinn: are you nervous? , or is it just me?

Puck: well considering you have not seen your child in 10 years not counting that time in year 12 , yeah I think it is ok to be nervous.
Quinn and Puck walked inside the building

Receptionist: hello what can I do for you guys today?

Quinn: umm we're here to pick up Elizabeth Cochran

Receptionist: Name please

Quinn: Quinn Puckerman, umm sorry I mean Lucy Q Puckerman

Receptionist : yep found you please take a seat we will call you back soon

Puck: ok

Quinn and Puck went to sit down, they were so nervous ,they were just about to start talking when

Receptionist : mister and mrs Puckerman there ready for you

The couple to a deep breath and started walking down the hall way ,when the laddie opened the a door to a room

Receptionist : Beth we have some people who we would like to meet you

Beth: ok
Beth looked over at Quinn and Puck
Beth: hi

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