Chapter 10

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Time jump 3 and a half months

Quinn: Beth told me a few weeks ago that you guys are going to keep her

One afternoon Chance came over to the Puckerman's house for some afternoon tea and to sort some baby things out considering they only had a month till there little angel came

Chance : yeah it is the right thing to do

Quinn: well have you guys picked out any names yet

Beth: that's what Chance is here for to day to pick out Names

Quinn: cool so what do you guys have in mind

Ring ring ring

Chance : sorry it's my Moms I have to go see you later Beth and bye Quinn

Quinn: bye Chance


Quinn: Beth I want to talk to you

Quinn said to Beth 2 weeks later

Beth: sure

Quinn: I don't think you should perform with glee club tomorrow

Beth: why ,I'm perfectly fine

Quinn: Because I performed with glee club a few weeks before I was meant  to have you  and half an hour later you were born

Beth: that doesn't mean it will happen again

Quinn:I no I'm just being cautious

Beth I know I will be fine

Quinn: ok fine

Quinn left the room

Quinn: famous last words

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