Chapter 8 p3

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Santana : Puckerman

Puck: so how are you guys doing

Brittney: good,totally not getting people pregnant

Santana : he knows Brit

Brittney : good that would have been a very awkward conversation

Puck: Hello Chance

Chance: hello Mister Puckerman

Puck: call me Sir

Quinn: don't be  ridiculous Chance call him Puck,come on let's go and eat

Everyone was eating very quietly till Santana broke the silence

Santana : so we are to talk about the baby so why don't we do start

Beth:ok so what do you want to know

Santana : well Chance filled us in on most things but I have an important question are....

Brittney interrupts: is it a boy or a girl ?

Beth: it's a girl

Chance: you didn't tell me that

Beth: we only found out to day

Santana : ok back to my question , are you keeping it because unlike Quinn's parents I want to know my grandchild

Quinn: don't bring my mum and dad in to this, I have not even seen my dad since the day he kicked me out.

Puck: acutely your mum called the other day your ......

Santana interrupts: can we try and stay on topic please

Beth: um I think I mite but I don't no ,but unlike my mum and I have So much family who cares about me.

They went on to talk about things from school to football to work but then it was time for the Lopez-Pierce family to go

Quinn: by guys see you later
As every one waved them as they drove away

Puck: well that was not as bad as I thought it was going to be

Beth: yeah ,well I have some homework to finish and I'm a bite tired so I'll talk to you guys tomorrow
Beth went up stairs

Quinn: night Beth
Quinn shut the front door and went to sit next to Puck who was all ready relaxing on the coach

Quinn: that was fun,good to know everyone knows everything and are on the same page

Puck: yeah

Quinn: and what was it that you wanted to tell me

Puck : um yeah so your mum called the other day and said that your dad want to see you and he is in town Tomorrow and was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with him what do you think?

Quinn could not believe it was she finally going to see the man who kicked her out 16 years ago

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