Chapter 11

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Regionals was here again

This morning Beth woke up with pain but had pushed to the side because she had been getting back pain for awhile now that she was getting closer to her due date.

She got dressed and the pain did not go away put she pushed it to the side and went down stairs to have breakfast before they had to go to the competition.

Puck: hey Monkeyface  you feeling ok you don't look that great

Beth:yeah I just keep getting this pain every few minutes

Quinn: Beth I think your in labour I think we need to get you to the hospital

Beth: no I want to perform with my team
(Beth stood up and she felt something dripping down her leg and a pain much worse then the others)

Quinn: Beth you ok

Beth: my water just broke


Quinn and Beth  were on there way to the hospital while Puck took the other kids to His mums house.The hospital was only five minutes away from there house so they did not have to wait long very long.

When they got there Beth was put in a room and then the doctor came in

Doctor Smith: hello Beth how are we going today

Beth: ok but it hurts a lot can I have some pain relief

Doctor Smith: well according to the nurse you are all ready 8 and half centimeters dilated so we can not give you any but the good new is your little girl will be her very soon

Beth: mum I'm scared

Quinn: your going to be fine ,just take some big deep breaths

20 mins later the doctor told Beth that it was time to start pushing

Beth had never felt this bad of pain in her life she was told she had to keep pushing ,to she heard the cry's of her new born daughter. the nurse took her over to get her cleaned up.

Quinn: I'm so proud of you B

Beth: thanks mum

The doctor brought the Baby back over to Beth

Doctor smith : is there anybody you would like us to call

Beth: no it's ok there on there way

Right at that moment Chance came running in to the room with Puck walking in behind

Chance : omg Beth I got here as fast as I could are you ok

Beth: yeah I'm fine ,come  meet your daughter

Chance walked over to Beth and sat on the bed while Beth handed the daughter to him

Chance: she looks like you Beth

Beth: yeah but she has you mouth and ears

Quinn: have you guys got a name yet ?

Chance : yeah its...

Santana and Brittney walk in

Santana : were here to meet our little granddaughter

Chance : well her she is

Puck: can you tell us her name

Beth: ok her name is Blade Noél

Puck: it suits her

Brittney: yeah she is so cute

All of them for the rest of the day just sat and looked at this amazing thing that had been made

Beth was now a mum and had realized that she could love something more then she ever thought she could.

Hey guys do you think I should do a spin of story of Beth and  Chance with Blade or leave it there because there will only be one or two more chapters in this story

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