Chapter 4

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6 Years later

At the moment the Puckerman's were living in Lima while Puck had some time off so they moved back home so they were closer to family.

At the moment Puck was taking sometime of from the Air Force and Quinn was a stay at home mum with there 4 year old Son Easton.Wren and Rayne were now 6 and were at school and same with Irwin who was 8.

Beth was now 16 and went to McKinley, she was the head cheerleader, in glee and is on honour Roll and was dating the star football player who happed to be Santana and Brittney adopted Son Chance who had long blonde hair and blue eyes ,she was a mini Quinn,But being like Quinn mite have had her ups but it also it's downs .


Beth went in to the Bathroom and looked though the draws for a pregnancy test from when her Mum was trying to get pregnant with Easton.She found one and did what the test said and waited for 2 mins.She though she would try a test because she was 2 weeks late and 3 and a half weeks ago her and Chance may have had to many wine coolers and forgot to use protection ,but they thought that since the chances were slim it would not matter.Beth was nervous about what it would say, she looked down at the test and only saw one line and was relived that she was not but then she looked down again and she saw another line coming up.She was Pregnant.what was her parents going to think.

From that. Moment no matter what happened her life was going to change for ever

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