Chapter 6

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Quinn decided to wait until till Beth told her in case it was someone else,because Rachel and Jesse were over the other week for a holiday so it could have been hers.


When Beth got home for cheerleading Quinn was in the kitchen cooking dinner

Beth: I'm home

Quinn:I'm in the kitchen
Beth walked in to the kitchen

Beth:were is everyone

Quinn:your dad went to pick up your brother from soccer practice and he was going take your siblings to the park before dinner.

Beth:ok,hey mom I have a question for you

Quinn: shore ask away

Beth: look I know when I was younger you told me why you gave me up but could you tell me again

Quinn: shore um...well me and your dad were not together at that moment, mum and dad kicked me out of my house when they found out  and we were not ready plus school and our ages ,so we did not think that we could give you the life you deserved

Beth: do you think if things were different you would have kept me

Quinn: well giving you up was the hardest thing I ever did,but if I was in a better place in my life of course I would have kept you and your dad would have to agree with me, why do you ask

Beth:I'm...I'm (starts crying in to her mums shoulder)

Quinn: what wrong honey

Beth: I'm pregnant

It took Quinn a few minutes to comprehend what her daughter just said

Quinn: it's going to be ok ,it's going to be ok


After dinner and all the other kids were in bed Quinn when went up to Beth's room to talk to her about it

Beth: it's open

Quinn: hey

Beth: hey
Quinn sat on the bed next to Beth

Quinn: ok so there are options

Beth: no I can not do that

Quinn: ok we'll have you told Chance please tell me it's Chance's

Beth: yeah it's his and I told him don't get mad 3 months ago

Quinn: you have known that long ,you should have told me

Beth: I did not want you to kick me out like your mum and dad did

Quinn: b I would never do that to you ,and I know only the early stages but do you want to keep it, because if you do you have so much family that would help you

Beth: look I don't no but That's a lot more reassuring

Quinn: well have you been to the doctor yet

Beth: no

Quinn :well how many months are you

Beth : about 4 and a half

Quinn: well I will book you a doctors appointment for tomorrow

Beth: thanks mum

Quinn: it's ok
They hugged

And Quinn went in to Puck and her room starting to cry

Puck: what wrong Q

Quinn: Beth's...Beth's..Pregnant

From that moment on they New there family would have to be come closer then ever before

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