Chapter 2 p2

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Receptionist:I will give you guys some space

As the lady left Puck and Quinn moved closer to the 10 year old who was colouring at a table.

Puck whispers to Quinn: she looks so much like you

Quinn whispers back to Puck : I Know right

Beth: um excuse me but who are you two?

Quinn: well I'm Quinn and this is Puck and we are going to look after you from now on.

Beth : you look vaguely familiar Puck, I have this one memory of a guy holding me with a Mohawk, and you look a lot like him.

Puck: I have that memory to because that was me

Beth: ok now I'm confused

Quinn : Beth did you mum ever talk to you about being adopted

Beth: yeah she told me I was not allowed to contact them till I was 18 but she told me that I looked a lot like my biological mum

Puck: well what if we told you we were your biological parents

Beth: really

Quinn: yeah we are

Beth: ok then I have a question

Puck: shore you can ask us anything

Beth: so your my real parents

Quinn: yep

Beth: then why did you give me up?

Quinn: well when I got pregnant with you we were only 16 and we did not think we could give you the best life.But we want you to no that we never stopped loving you Beth.

Beth: thanks, so I'm living with you two

Puck: yes and you have 3 siblings

Beth : I do ( looking really excited)

Quinn: yeah your brother Irwin he is 2 and looks exactly like your dad

Puck: and also you have twin 6 months old twin sisters Rayne and Wren

Quinn : who look exactly like you

Beth: really ,that's cool

Puck: it is , awesomely cool
Beth laughed

Puck: so we ready to go

Beth : hang on I have to get something

Quinn: ok
Beth came running back with a backpack and a little toy lamb

Beth: my mum told me that when I was little you dropped a box of for me and inside it had this lamb I have had it this whole Time because it was the only thing I had of my Birth parents till now
Beth hugged Quinn while Quinn wiped out the happy tears from her eyes

Puck: ready to go now

Quinn: yeah

They walked out of the room realising that there lives were going to change for better not for worse

I hope you guys are liking this story so far I'm having a lot of fun writing it

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