Chapter 3

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When They walked out of the Room and field out the adoption papers they were free to go home.

So they left the building and went in the car

Puck: so that is you spot right there.(whispers next part) does she need a car seat

Quinn whispers back to Puck:I don't think so

Once they were in car they went back to Rachel and Jesses house to pick up the kids. Puck went inside to get them and came back out to the car.Quinn opened the car door

Puck: ok so this is your Brother Irwin , Irwin say hi to Beth

Irwin: Hi Bet

Beth:it's Beth

Irwin & Beth laugh as puck finish putting Irwin in his car seat

Puck: and these are you little sister Wren and Ranye

Beth: who is who

Puck:that's Ranye and that's Wren, no wait that's Wren and that's Ranye ,wait, Q why did we have to have identical twins or at least why did we have to dress them the same.

Quinn: um you Dressed them this morning

Puck : oh yeah

Quinn : and it's nitted on there wonsies

Puck: oh ok,that's Wren and that's Rayne


After they got everyone in the car they headed home ,then they got out of the car

Puck: Home sweet Home

They opened the house door

Quinn:so this is the living room,this is the kitchen,Bathroom & Play Room and your room is up stairs

Puck:would you like to see it ?

Beth: yes please

They headed up stairs to Beth's room it was painted light purple with star bed sheets and a toy unicorn on the bed

Beth: i love it

Quinn: your dad stayed up all night finishing it.

Beth:thanks Dad.......o I mean Puck

Puck: it's ok call me what ever you want

Beth: ok..fart face( Beth laughs)

Puck: ok....Monkey Face (Puck laughs)

Right then Quinn realise that she had her daughter back that she gave up all those years ago and she was with them for ever.

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