Chapter 13

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The day was here the we're finally bringing Blade home well Puck and Quinn's house but Chance was allowed to visit when ever he wanted too. Well Puck did not agree with that but he new he would not win that fight.

When they got home they to Blade up to Beth's room were she was going to be sleeping for the first few Months

Chance: welcome home miss Blade this is your room

Beth: do you think we can do this parenting thing

Chance : of course we can, I mean look how easy this is

Beth : she is as sleep

Chance: and I think that is something that you should do

Beth: ok, do you want to stay for a little while

Chance : sure

The two of them put Blade in her crib and got in to Beth's bed and went to sleep.


When Quinn went to check on them they were all a sleep so she went back down stairs to Puck who was watching something on tv

Quinn : hey Puck

Puck: hey babe ,and what time are we picking the other kids up tomorrow

Quinn : yeah I wanted to talk to you about that

Puck: why ,we cant leave them there... can we ?

Quinn: well we all ready have 5... do you recon we could handle another ?

Puck: what do you mean Quinn

Quinn : I'm Pregnant

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