Chapter 12

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The next morning Blade was sent to get a few test before they could go home just to make sure she was 100% perfect but it didn't matter to Beth and Chance because she was perfect to them.

Beth ,Chance and Quinn were in Beth's room getting ready to leave when Doctor Smith and a different doctor that Beth had not seen before brought Blade back in

Beth:so how is Blade

Doctor smith : well when we were doing the tests we saw that she is not hearing as well as we want her to be

Quinn: what do you mean

Doctor smith : in normal terms Blade is Deaf,now it is nothing that you did Beth sometime we don't no why these things happen.

Chance: Dose she still make noises and stuff like that

Doctor Smith: well I don't no so that is why I brought in the audiologist on call in here. This is Doctor Sherman

Doctor Sherman: yes she will definitely make noise and laugh and cry probably even louder then normal babies because she dose not no how loud she is.

Quinn: so  will she ever be able to hear

Doctor Sherman :so what we think will work best for Blade is that when she is 3 months old we get her hearing aids so that she can start to hear things but when she is 2 to 4 she will have cochlear implants put in to hopefully make her hear better

Beth: so will she talk or use sign language

Doctor Sherman: well I think you should start using sign language so she can learn to look at what she need to read to talk and she will have to probably have speech therapy to help her learn to talk. So do you guys have any other questions

Chance: no um well I read somewhere that people who are deaf can feel  vibrations can she when she is older

Doctor Sherman : definitely she can still feel the vibrations in things when she gets older get a speaker and get her to put her hands on it or get head phones and but them around her neck she would love it

Quinn : thanks doctor

Doctor Sherman : your welcome

The 2 doctors walked out of the room

Quinn : so you still want to keep her b, I fully understand if you don't

Beth: yes of course she is perfect just because she can not hear dose not change the fact that she is a normal baby who we love and so she mite be a little different I don't think I could ever leave her.

From that moment Beth life was even more complicated then it all ready was but she was in love with this idea of her new life.

This topic is very important to me because I was deaf and could not hear till I was 7 so I love this story line.

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