Chapter 7

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The next morning Beth helped her mum get her siblings ready for the day ,while Puck was at his mums house helping her put a table together and then clean her pool. Quinn & Beth hoped in the mini van to take her siblings to school and day care when

Irwin: I don't get it ,Mum why dose Beth get a day off school and all of us have to go ?

Quinn: Because she has to go to the doctors

Rayne: she don't look sick

Wren: or sound sick

Irwin: exactly ,Mum she's faking

Quinn: guys you don't have to be sick to go to the doctors

Irwin: the only other reason that you go to the doctor that I can think of is when your pregnant and Beth's not ......

Beth: I am pregnant actually

Irwin: no you're not

Beth: yep I am

Wren: what dose pregnant mean

Rayne: yeah was dose that mean

Beth: it means sissy is going to have a baby ,any other Questions while we're on this topic

Irwin: boy or girl

Beth: don't no

Quinn: we are probably going to find out today
(Quinn drives in to the drop off Area of the school)

Irwin: well I want it to be a boy (he says as he hops out of the car)

Wren: girl ( she says as she hops out of the car)

Beth: Rayne what do you want it To be

Rayne : don't mind ,but if it's a girl can we name it Ariel

Beth : you like the little mermaid don't you

Rayne : how do you know

Beth : just a guess
(Rayne laughs as she leaves the car)

They start driving to the doctor

Beth: that is not the way I wanted to tell them

Quinn: I know but at least they know now

Beth: true

They parked in the car park and went inside to the doctor offic and and went to the front desk and filled the paperwork out and took a seat.

They waited for 5 mins till they called Beth's name

Doctor smith : Beth
The stood up and and  followed the doctor in to one of the rooms

Quinn sat down on one of the chairs and Beth sat on the bed

Doctor smith : hello Beth so I'm doctor Smith but you can call me Jane, I'm going to be the doctor who looks after you the whole pregnancy and when you give Birth so if you have any questions just ask.


Jane: so one Question before we start ,how many months are you ?

Beth: 4 months and about 2 weeks

Jane: well you can lay back and we can get started

Beth Laid back and lifted her shirt up and held Quinn's hand as Jane started putting gel on Beth's tiny baby bump

Jane: now this is probably going to be cold

Beth: ok,Mum I'm freaking out

Quinn: its ok you will be fine

Jane checks all of the baby to make sure that the baby was healthy and then she said

Jane: would you like to know the gender

Beth : yes please

Jane: it's a girl and I would also suggest starting to get some bigger clothes the next few months she is going to start getting a lot bigger,well all done her see you in about a month

As they left the doctors office Beth could not help but feel happy that it was a little girl.

They got back in the car and started driving home

Quinn: hey is it ok .Dad and I have invited Brit ,Santana and Chance over for Dinner tonight so we can work this whole thing out

Beth:yeah that's ok

Quinn:well at least you already have a name

Beth: I am not naming my child Ariel

The two blondes laughed as they started to head home

They now felt a little bit more excited about the new baby that would come in 5 months time

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