Chapter 8 p1

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When they got home they spent the rest of the day watching movies and having girl talk.Till it was time to start getting ready for dinner,

Quinn and Beth were in the kitchen when the rest of the family came home

Rayne: mommy we're home

Quinn:in the kitchen
Everyone walks in

Irwin:what all the food for


Irwin:cool when is it

Beth: your not invited

Irwin: what that's unfair

Wren: yeah

Rayne: yeah totally unfair

Puck: you guys are spending the night at grandma Judie's house,so why don't all go up stairs and pack your stuff be up to check on you guys in a minute

Irwin: fine, but I don't have to be happy about it
All of the kids went up stairs

Quinn:he is so much like you Puck

Puck: I know he better not be like me in high school though
They all laughed

Puck: so how did your doctor appointment go

Beth: it went well,everything is fine and it's a girl

Puck: that's good boys are such a handful

Irwin yells from up stairs: I can still hear you
They all laughed again

Puck:well I'm going to go get ready for dinner and tell the kids what there ment to be doing.

Quinn:ok ,well my mum will be here in 10 mins to pick them up
Easton came running in the room,Puck pick him up

Puck: East ,Godzilla coming in 10 mins run for your life

Easton: your funny daddy

Puck: come on let's go get ready
They go up stairs

Quinn:so are you nervous about to night

Beth: a little

Quinn: don't worry Santana and Britt are really nice,they were really supportive when I got pregnant you will be fine


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