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17.34 hours

May 20, 2016

Qayyarah outskirts, Iraq

Natasha V. Belova – Spetsnaz GRU

I still have doubts on why I did that. All I know was that I heard an explosion, some gunfire, then another explosion, saw a pillar of smoke and rushed our way there. Later we saw there were two American soldiers – later I learned they were US Army Rangers – trying to fend off a horde of Daesh from their comrade who is very badly wounded. One of them, a blonde-haired girl, was dragging the wounded guy to safety. The other one, a Native American guy, I saw him kill one terrorist with a tomahawk and continued firing. Aside from Daesh gunmen both dead and alive, there were dead Iraqi soldiers on the road.

I ordered Sergey to pick off the Daesh gunmen from a distance with our KSVK anti-material rifle while the rest of us went down the hill and mow down the terrorist. While he provided sniper support, Boris and I closed in. We took them by surprise, and they were not a match for us Spetsnaz operatives in the first place. Thing is, were I in their shoes I would have wanted someone to do the same. At least until I accomplish... my one life goal.

Next thing we knew, we managed to kill every single one of the ambush group. A few tried to retreat, but Sergey picked them off one by one in the distance. 12,7 mm rounds pierced straight through their torsos and disemboweled them, and on one occasion hit another enemy just in front. I know what you're thinking... Why didn't we leave one or two to tell the story about how we kicked their asses? Nope. No witnesses.

Just after we were clear, Lt. Shilah grabbed a dropped SCAR-H and brought it with him. I immediately figured out it belonged to the wounded and unconscious Sgt. Miller. With Sergey still providing overwatch, we made our way to safety.

. . .

Moments later...

"Alright... just one more now..." Sergey commented as we threw the last shovels of dirt into the burial pit. The American girl, Cpl. Thompson, grabbed the fallen soldier's M16 and helmet, stuck the rifle's barrel in the dirt, and mounted the helmet on its stock. She has been speechless since the other guy, Sgt. Miller, lost his consciousness, as she sat beside the newly finished burial mound. The American guy, Lt. Shilah, approached the wrecked Humvee on the rear. He brought out a fallen soldier from the shotgun seat.

"Last but not least..." he said as he set down the body on the road near us where we were digging. I grabbed the shovel and dug up the sandy ground until we have the burial pit similar as the previous ones.

Lt. Shilah picked up the body. He grabbed the guy's helmet and M16, and took off backpack radio he's carrying. He threw down the latter in disappointment after realizing it was all scorched and destroyed. He set the body down in the pit. We started burying the body. He then set the rifle and helmet on the mound.

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